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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ev0lut10n, Dec 25, 2010.

  1. ev0lut10n

    ev0lut10n Well-Known Member

    When I load my .sav file it shows me this.
    Can you help me solve this problem?
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You have to be more clear.
    1. Are you using a JPN rom or US/EU rom?
    2. Give us the break down about what you did or tried to do?
    3. Did you try using the game SAVE after that to see if it work or not?
    4. Are you playing HG/SS or B/W? They use different version of POKESAV.

    Please be specific. Looking at that alone we might think you're using a Japanese Game Save file on an English version of POKESAV.

    If you're using a HG/SS JPN rom but translated version made by Rykin122, you must try to use this JPN POKESAV version (link below in the spoiler) and not the US/EU version.
  3. ev0lut10n

    ev0lut10n Well-Known Member

    1. I'm using US version
    2. I've just opend it and it shows me the picture from up
    3. No I didn't
    4. I'm playing Soul Silver
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I see. In that case the SAVE FILE is probably corrupted, because the "Adventure Started" date should correspond with the first time you make a save file. You might have accidentally press something. The data shown are all a mess, those IIIIII clearly means your save file and the pokesav does not have matching ASCII coding. This shows that they are not compatible. And you should always press SAVE and not SAVE AS.


    I'm guessing you had downloaded the rom from Kazo which mention the name Rykin122. Load the game and see if right after the loading screen you see the name Rykin122/Rykin/Raqib on it. If there is, it looks and play like its English version but its actually JPN version. To solve this, download the POKESAV compact version which is compatible with the JPN rom Save file. You can find it in my first post to you.
  5. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Eh what is this?
  6. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I always used to have problems with Pokesav and my flashcart. I don't use it anymore, it feels way better when you know you've trained your guys yourself