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Pokemon White Serious Help!!!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by megakid11, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if this is the proper place to place to ask, but I need a bit of help on my game save. I was on route 18 in Pokemon White and I passed one of the trainers (in hiking gear) and suddenly the game froze. There were thin diagonal strips that were going through the screen and there was this noise like something was freezing. When I went back on. The beginning menu was fine (it had all the things it had before, but when I tried to go onto the story part, it froze in the middle of showing the words 'August', and it wont unfreeze from there. Every time I go back on to play, this keeps on happening. What do I do now? I have an Acekard 2i, a DSi, and my Acekard update is 1.6 (I think, maybe higher). In the game, I have six badges, I just got surf but I didn't enter Twist Mountain, and I went straight to route 18 afterward. I hope the info helps. Thanks in advance.
  2. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    Can someone please help me? Please?
  3. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    first, dont use a bigger size for writing, normal size is fine. and second. if you are using acekard, use akaio 1.8.6a
  4. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I know about my big font but I fixed that after the first person complained about it, and you were the 11th person. I still don't know why people are complaining about it when I fixed it.

    Anyways, I updated it but the game still doesn't work. I also formatted it, too, but it still didn't do anything. Is there anything else I have to do?
  5. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    you havent fixed your font yet, it is still huge. but well. try using the clean rom of pokemon. also, make sure you arent using cheats
  6. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    ok, first off, your hacking out of the game, the reason why its freezing is because you didn't finish the storyline, you can't reach that with only six badges, so you might be out of luck and have to start a new game >__>
  7. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    @iluvfupaburgers: My computer already has it shown on a smaller font, so I don't know if there is a problem with your computers, but on my end, it's just fine. I'm using my font at 14 and 12 (pretty much the fonts YOU are using).

    I'll try to use a clean rom. I already tried without cheats but it's still not working.

    @Devilkid32176: Really? That sucks. I don't really know why it's hacking out of my game because I have surf and fly and the wild pokemon are at the same level as the pokemon I'm fighting now in the area I'm going through in the storyline. I got through route 17 fine and the freezing just happened when I passed the first person in route 18. I already had surf and fly taught to a pokemon so it should be perfectly alright to go there whenever from that point onwards.
  8. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    yeah, try that if it doesnt work, try reformatting your card, add akaio 1.8.6a again and turn ap bypass off. and normal size is actually 10, also why are you actually adding size to you font, just writw normally without changing anything
  9. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    How many times do you think I should reformat? 'Cause it takes a long time to do that in my computer. I already reformatted it and added the update so I don't know if it should work now or if I have to format it a lot more times for it to work.

    Now, I'm not changing anything about my font when I'm typing, I haven't touched my font option or colour option so tell me if this is too big. And don't complain about my font size (not specifically you, iluvfupaburgers) or I'll say it was the actual website's fault and not mine.
  10. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    well, now its normal. i was just trying to help, but i guess i sense a bit of hostility on your side. ill just leave it on try turning off the AP, but i guess ill stop helping. go to ap thread for pokemon if you need more help: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=53363.0
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    don't reformat unless you absolutely have to, it significantly shortens the life of your SD card.

    That post was normal size.
  12. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    @iluvfupaburgers: Sorry. Did it sound hostile? I didn't mean it that way. I was just pissed off at the others. When I said 'not specifically you', I was trying to say that I wasn't directing this sentence to you. Sorry if it sounded like I was mad at you.
  13. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I'm not an expert, but that sounds like you were using cheats. Many of them.
  14. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    well, the highest route you can get too before beating the elite four is route 10
    after that, you can get to route 11-18, because route 11 is near the last gym city and
    they tell you that the bridge is being worked on
  15. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    @Inunah: I was using a lot of cheats, but I tried the game without cheats and it still has a problem.

    @Devilkid32176: Really? Aw, that sucks (especially for me). I was trying to get 'dive' but I guess it was too early in the game to get it. I guess I should have waited.

    Something is bothering me, though. I was able to go through Route 17 just fine, no problems, but as soon as I get to Route 18, the freezing happened. Actually, it happened after I passed that man in hiking gear, before, it was still okay. Do you think it has something to do with Route 18 specifically (in my case) more than anything and/or anywhere else?
  16. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member


    i think it has to do with the rom, since i have to fix a couple of more saves that has froze near the same person apparently
    going to post in AP thread to see if anyone else is having the same issues
  17. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, probably. I think it was a problem with the rom. There was another thread I saw named Pokemon White Problem. Oh yeah, can you download the link to my save file in that thread and try to look at it and/or fix it? I'll send another one of me save files that you can look at here later since the one listed above it a bit old.

    I'm actually kind of pissed, lately. I did a new game and I think one of the cheats caused me some problems. That problem being every time I go into my storage system, the game says there is an error and to turn off the game.

    I then deleted the game save and started a new game.

    Then, after I have five badges and I'm passing through route 6, the game always freezes when I'm around the research scientists house (for the deer pokemon), when I got the hyper potion (I think it was a hyper potion, it was a potion) which is right beside it. After I saved right next to it one time and quit the game, I try to play it, and the screen freezes on the autumn screen, but not like what happened to me last time. The screen actually brightens up and you can hear the music starting and playing, and then it freezes, with the sound of frozen music, too.

    Can anyone help me? I'll try to get a new rom but I don't know what to do.
  18. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member


    i have looked at your save and well, i can start a new save and modify the trainer id and the secret id and the give the box poke and your party pokes back, but i have been waiting on both you and the other person about the saves
  19. megakid11

    megakid11 Well-Known Member

    Sorry. I have been busy with other thing. Like being addicted to LittleBigPlanet2 and the PS Move bundle. Well, I'm back and you can make the save, and the starter can be the grass-type pokemon. I forgot the name. Maybe it was Snivy? Not sure. Thanks for the help! How's rebuilding you card going, by the way?