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Pokemon Survey

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by sinnoh2, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. sinnoh2

    sinnoh2 Well-Known Member

    Well we all know the Pokemon classic HM "Fly"
    Don't you think it would be cool if we actually got to navigate the pokemon to our destination? o_O
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

  3. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Of course, but don't you think it's lame a Guarados (don't think I spelled that correctly) can't learn fly when it happens to be a flying type? Think about that.
  4. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    that defeats the purpose of fly. fly = instant move to where you have been before.
    BGK has it right the flying dragonfishthing needs to be able to learn fly, since yaknow.. it IS a flying type. >.>
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Flying Shrimps?
  6. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Reirei's mother: Get that flower out of your mouth! You know you're allergic to roses!

    Reirei: But mooooooommmmmm...
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Hey, this guy's trying to pull off a ThatOneMexicanGuy, and is failing miserably.
    How about this? Instead of letting that oversized shrimp fly, just remove his 4x immunity to electricity by removing his flying sub-type then.
  8. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    First off, I'm not Mexican (or are you talking about a person?), and I posted the first thing that came to mind because I was bored. It wasn't too bad. But if your talking about a person, please post me a quote because I'm in the mood for comedy.

    And what about removing Guaruados's water-type weakness completely by making him a water AND ground type pokemon?
  9. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

  10. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, it's been some time since I had a Gyarados. I should of looked it up.
  11. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    He has never shown traits of being a ground type pokemon and therefore, should not be a ground type.
  12. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    As for Gyarados's sp defense issue, I would give it a macho brace and 10 zincs. I would then trade it to my emerald version and kill 100 Whismers. Even with so many sp defense EVs, my Elektrekross's zap cannon would still make it cry like a little girl, however.
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Overkill, and highly unstable. Good luck getting that to go off with 50 accuracy. lol
    For accuracy that crappy, might as well just run Horn Drill or Sheer Cold. lol

    A Thunderbolt should suffice. Nobody runs a purely defensive Gyarados. Yeah, there's BulkyGyara variants, but those don't invest everything in SpD or Def, which you really shouldn't since Gyarados isn't meant to be a major player as far as bulkiness goes.

    Oh, and saying you can OHKO a Gyarados with an electric move is like Kobe Bryant owning the crap out of a high school team. Like I said, a non-STAB Thunderbolt is enough to kill this thing, I mean, it has x4 weakness to Electric...

    Oh, and just because things are Flying types, doesn't mean that they ought to learn Fly. If it actually has wings and CAN fly, then yes, go ahead. But a FLYing Gyarados is just silly. For that, he has Bounce, which works in the same way.

    I've got a FLYing Pikachu, which is rather funny...
  14. shrekwilliam

    shrekwilliam Well-Known Member

    yeh!! well u can on pokemon ranger 3 with latios and latias
  15. :::...Rom...:::

    :::...Rom...::: Well-Known Member

    Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs lets you do that.
  16. slapshow

    slapshow Member

    Boring...since i got bored navigating Link's boat in Phantom Hourglass
  17. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    so you can go to uncharted towns which IIRC isnt allowed
  18. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Just put up a invisible wall to block acces to uncharted towns, that's what seems to be the fashion in games :<
  19. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Gyarados can't learn fly because it...
    A. Doesn't have wings.
    B. Can't hover.

    If a Pokemon can do either of those, it can learn Fly. Most of the time. I know there HAVE been instances where Gyarados CAN fly, but that's usually in the movies where logic can go down the crap shoot if the creators wanted it to.
  20. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    What about doduo back in 1st and 2nd Gen? He doesn't have wings but he can FLY.