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Pokemon Stadium and the NDS generation

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Batman168, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, I just came along to share with you my dissapointment in the pokemon world, although i'm not ranting about it, just a few thoughts.

    I recently bought a Gameboy Color off of Ebay, and I also pulled out my N64 along with Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2. Roms and Emus just aren't doing it for me anymore, it's not the same, even when playing the games on my NDS) I have transfer packs with these (Which needed a good cleaning, along with everything else I have for the previous generations)

    I decided since it was Summer that I would love to drop everything from the current gen to switch back to the days when the only pokemon games I had were Red/Blue, Gold, Crystal, the two stadium games, and snap. I plugged it all up to remember all the COUNTLESS hours I had spent in front of my T.V. with Pokemon Stadium 2, all of the trainer school things done, very hard unlocked on the mini-games, all of the stadium cups done on at least the pokeball level, and the gym leader castle + Kanto gym leader castle finished.

    So I thought I would just breeze through the Stadium cups I hadn't completed to unlock Round 2. I quickly found out how challenging this was, losing a few battles, I thought I needed a plan. So I went through Earl's academy, doing every battle lecture and test over again, and looking through the rentals for good movesets (as my GB games had been erased, gold and crystal to dead batteries, and Red to erasing the game to restart just the same day.

    Dissapointed by my lack of pokemon I thought, "WAIT, WHAT ABOUT THE STORED POKEMON1?!" So I threw in Pkmn Red and went in there to Oaks Lab, only to find that I had a few level 100s that I had raised, and then a few that I guess I had gamesharked in, and two missingno.s that had turned into dittos for some reason 0.o. I thought that was cool and all, but it wouldn't be the same using pokemon I had previously trained (8-10 years ago).

    Looking at my GB/GBC Games I knew I wouldn't have the pokemon I wanted in a good amount of time, maybe Pkmn Red, because I have played it a few hours that day and gotten pretty far (Thanks to the Doduo gameboy) and I had also gamesharked myself two masterballs and the wild pokemon modifiers to capture the other starters, did I forget to mention I have a gameshark for all the GB/GBC pokemon games? Then I realized, what I really wanted was to put my Heart Gold Save (Which has 50+ Hours) onto my old pokemon Gold Save, which i'm getting a new battery for : DDD. Then I thought to myself ways of doing that. I could use my gameshark to give myself infinite masterballs, a wild pokemon level modifier, and a wild pokemon modifier to recapture every single pokemon I had. Would have been a huge pain in the ass, but I would have thought it would have been worth it, then I thought about all of the other things, such as trainers battled, and gyms cleared, and items owned etc etc etc, and I said screw it : (.

    Then that got me thinking "Why don't they have a stadium game that offers challenging battles (seriously takes strategy, and a bit of luck too, sometimes). Those are the most exciting/best battles were the ones on Stadium 2. I liked Colosseum and XD Gale of Darkness although most of us didn't seem to. But Battle Revolution sucks the big one, don't even get me started, I hate that game with a passion.

    And now, i'm sitting here, listening to Stadium 2's menu music, typing out this long thing on Romu for nothing. Why would any of you care to read my experiences over the past few days? I don't know, but if you read it all, thanks alot, if not, I don't blame you. but anybody else who wants a new Stadium game give a hoo-rah!
  2. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    i read it all and i agree with you when i was young i remeber borrowing the games from my 18 year old nephew the pokemon staduim games were hard and challeging these days i see kids from 5 , 6 years who beat pokemon games so i completly agree with you HOO-RAA
  3. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    same, i read it all, and can do nothing but agree...pokèmon games these days, are either 1. not challenging or 2. beat to quickly or they just plain out suck, so i say, HOO-RAA!
  4. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    Haha yeah! damn straight.
  5. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Wall of text is VERY difficult to read, try spacing it out.

    Anyway, I agree, it would have been awesome if they kept the same format from the stadium games, just adding more to it with each generation. Colosseum/XD weren't too bad but lets face it R/S/E deserved a proper Stadium game.
    Of course I too was rather pissed with PBR and its fucking pathetic amount of content, who knows WTF were they thinking with that game...
  6. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's like one mode. and it sucks!

    EDIT: It looks like so much text with it spaced out, i've never written that much in my life xD
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    As for the pokemon morphing on stadium...the game manuals WARN you about using hacked pokemon.

    I lost my old red team...my transfer pack decided to fuckup during one last transfer to preserve the team...I LOST MY LEGIT MEW!!!

    As for the games...my guess is because the current generation of gamers are getting less skilled due to the fact that they are living normal lives and not being game addicts like us...

    They cater for the shorter attention spans.

    It can't be helped, otherwise in reviews people would complain about how much tedium and the difficulty, christ people must SERIOUSLY SUCK if in a game review they complain about how hard a game is!!!
  8. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    i feel games should be hard as hell, and then some, and should take forever to beat...seems nothing is like that anymore... :'(
  9. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I mean, i've owned this game since it came out, and I haven't beat it. Although it's been hard as hell (especially with rentals) I am still wanting to conquer it, I could say less for the latest Call of Duty or Halo game.

    I don't really care about my Missingno.

    And I totally agree with the shorter attention span thing, that's EXACTLY it xD (On the fact that i've noticed it among my young cousins)
  10. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    read all and agree