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Pokemon SS Patch

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by thomasnuyentje, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. heey all is there a crack or something that let Pokemon Soul Silver work on my M3 Ds Real
    if there is can someone give me a link BELOW
    i hope i get a fast reaction on my question

    o and my prob with my M3 Real And Pokemon SS is that it get stuck when i save the game so i cant save.
    someone els has same prob with M3?

    Grtz. Me
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    here is an anti-freezing patch for HG and SS as well - http://filetrip.net/file.php?id=7211
  3. Oke i Go and See if it Works
    Post Merge: [time]1261501520[/time]
    It Is not working for my M3 Sorry it still freezes when i Save
  4. GameFreak99

    GameFreak99 Active Member

    I use to have that problem with my M3 when I played pokemon platinum. How big is your memory card that you're using for the M3?
  5. I have 1GB free Space on my Micro SD so thats much .. i think ^^
    and i had the same prob with Platinum
  6. GameFreak99

    GameFreak99 Active Member

    Well, you need to be sure of how much space you have. In platinum, does your game start to save with the message, "Saving alot of Data, Don't turn off the power", and then just carries on saving for eons to come? That was my problem, what you might need to do is empty the 'NDS' folder of all your games, save them on your computer or something, then place the Heartgold version on the stick and try it. It should save.