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Pokemon SoulSilver ~ Weird Shit

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kiekoes, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Hey guys, I encountered some weird shit on my SoulSilver ROM.
    The loading time for events is incredibly long. But first, I'm using this:
    Acekard2i | AKAIO 1.6RC2 | 4GB SanDisk

    First Event: Continue Screen
    When I choose Continue, it get a BlackScreen for 5 seconds.

    Second Event: Into a door
    Gives me 5 seconds BlackScreen too.

    Third Event: Menu Option/Pokemon
    Gives me 2 seconds BlackScreen.

    Fourth Event: Exiting Pokemon Menu
    Gives me 5 seconds BlackScreen.

    Extra Information:
    Used 2 Cheats from the latest Temp database.
  2. OzanOs

    OzanOs Member

    1. copy all your files on your pc
    2. Format you micro SD card
    3. download new Firmware
    4. Copy the Firmware files to your micro SD card
    5. Copy your ohter files like Games, Savs, Music and so on back to your micro SD card
    6. have Fun

    PS: Cheats can also slow down your game...
    test again without any cheats activated
  3. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    New Firmware? AKAIO 1.7?
    Post Merge: [time]1270471777[/time]
    Btw, formatting doesn't help. And I'm running without cheats all the time.
  4. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    what i call weird is the game freezes for me (acekard 2i AKAIO 1.6RC2) almost every time the photographer takes a picture while the running shoes are on (touch screen shortcut - holding B button no problems). This issue had some improvement, on 1.6RC1 it was the only certain freeze condition i experienced (100 hours in the game, 10 badges). Anyone had this problem?