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pokemon soul silver freezing help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by kerrydan, Mar 14, 2010.

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  1. kerrydan

    kerrydan Member

    hi,i downloaded pokemon soul silver yesterday,BUT
    i have some problems :'(
    it freezes wen i do the following
    just after i save
    just before a battle

    the screen turns sometimes black wen i do the following
    wen i walk into a building,or before a fight again

    while it freezes or turns black i can still here the music playing away in the backround
    i use an Acekard 2i
    iam just wondering if anyone else has had these problems
    and if there is a patch,plz tell me it,and how to put it on
  2. holoflame

    holoflame Well-Known Member

    The problems you experienced was Anti-Piracy, or, AP for short.
    Currently no patch is available.

    A Acekard 2i should run it fine with the latest AKAIO firmware.

    I hope I helped you a bit.
  3. kerrydan

    kerrydan Member

    i havent updated my acekard 2i in a while
    im not very good wit patches and updating my acekard 2i
    if some one good plz tell me how to check wat firmware i have and how to put on the new one

    and thanks holoflame :)
  4. salim_93

    salim_93 Member

    i have r4i gold its happenen to me aswell how do i stop the ap please help
  5. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Please refer to stickied thread regarding this problem.
  6. antisomber

    antisomber New Member

    can i ask why does soul silver freezes when i use no$gba, just after i choose the gender and enter the name that i chose...
  7. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Use AR Codes to bypass the game freeze, as well the black screen.
    Refer to the first post of the thread, which I had posted previously.
  8. salim_93

    salim_93 Member

    whats sticky thread
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Sticky is a term used to describe topics which have been permanently "stuck" to the top of the list. They contain important and helpful information and should always be read.
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