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Pokemon Serious Help

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by maxmahito, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    The story starts here:

    I was reading through forums of pokemon discussions and wherever I go and read.There are few things that make me bang my head to the wall.They are EVs,IVs,Egg moves,Natures.All the chat goes on and on with doing EVs, IVs and all.......
    I've been playing pokemon games since RED was first released but never got the above things in my head.All I do id TRAIN harder and harder and bang I won all the games.What I'd like to request help is in matter of understanding EVs, IVs, Egg moves and natures.What are they? How do they work?

    All I could understand by EVs is that they are Evee's and IVs as in multiple Prof.Ivy's.Egg moves.....how can egg learn a move o_O? Nature as in nature spirit? Wood,fire,water,rock etc?

    Please help......D:
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Nature is, well, their nature. It should be listed with the information of where you found them. It will say something along the lines of Timid or Brave, or something like that. That is the Pokemon's nature. It can be beneficial towards their growth, have no effect, or hurt their growth. Sometimes it's all about breeding for nature.

    Egg moves are moves that HAVE to be learned through breeding. Through the correct breeding combination, a Pokemon can learn a move right away at the moment of hatching that it wouldn't normally learn. Generally, these moves are worth the work, as they are very beneficial to a Pokemon's move set. It isn't always the case though. Places such as Serebii tend to list the egg moves and I believe what to breed to get them with each Pokemon.

    I'll leave EV's and IV's to somebody else, as I only sort of understand the first, and don't really understand the second at all. I just know that they are a make it or break it part of serious online battling. For the casual player, things such as nature, IV's and EV's don't matter much for the casual player. Egg moves only matter to the player who wants to make a nice team for their elite 4 runs or something like that in terms of casual play.
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I bet you read one of my posts and realized I was speaking a different language.

    First off

    Personality traits that increase one stat, and decreases another.
    Some are neutral.
    These increase and or decrease by a set percentage (10% I think)

    Think of these as genes of a genetic code. These range from 0-31, and correspond to each stat, HP, Atk, Def, Spe, SpA, and SpD.
    Most of the time, you'll want 31.
    The only times you don't want 31 is if you're aiming for a Gyro Ball set, specific Hidden Powers, or mitigating confusion damage in which case you'd want the least amount of Atk possible.

    If you're into hacking or legality checking, PID is like the genetic code. Its sequence tells what the IVs (and formerly Nature) should be. However, if you change the PID, the IVs don't magically change for you, it just ends up in a hacked pokemon.

    These are environmental stat changes. You get a total of 510 EVs to spread around to the six stats. You get a max of 255 to put in any one stat. However, you only get 1 stat increase per 4 EVs. Do the math, 510 isn't divisible by 4, and so only 508 EVs will actually be used. Also, 255 isn't divisible by 4 either, and so only 252 EVs are needed, because 255 will do the same thing that 252 do. You gain EVs every time you gain EXP from a pokemon. Once these are gained, it is very difficult and annoying to remove these so choose wisely. You can look on Serebii for what each pokemon's EV value is. Some range from 1-4.

    Let's do an example.
    You have a pokemon. You kill a Patrat. Patrat, according to Serebii, is worth 1 Atk EV. You gain the 1 Atk EV. You have 509 left to invest.

    Next, you kill a Purrloin. Purrloin is worth 1 Spe EV. You gain 1 Spe EV. You have 508 left to invest.

    EV training is necessary to stack EVs into one stat. You purposely kill the pokemon that give you the desired EV that you wish to gain. Keep count on these so that you don't go over what you need. If let's say you need 212 EV into HP. It would be dumb to lose count and overinvest EVs if all you wanted was 212.

    EV training is a pain in the ass, but it is well worth it and is practically handed to you. The difference between EV trained pokemon and untrained with the same IVs, Nature, and moveset is considerable. Couple this with the difference between near-perfect IVs and fully trained EVs with the proper Nature and you've got yourself a HUGE difference in power from something with random crappy IVs and EVs that are all across the board and don't do anything. EVs that are invested equally between all of the stats do absolutely nothing. It is better to stack them into 1 or 2 stats. For example, something that is physically based, needs 252 EVs in Atk, and 252 EVs in Spe, 6 is probably in HP. Physical sweepers rely on max attack, and max speed. This is way more effective than putting 85 EVs in all stats, where the investment of 85 EVs does hardly any change and they're in 4 stats that don't really need them. Physical sweepers don't use bulk all that much and they don't need any EVs in SpA because they don't have any special attacks. Mixed sweepers are different. The best comparison I can think of is, a doctorate's degree in one thing is better than 3 or 4 associate's or just a bunch of minors. You can actually get somewhere with a doctorate's, not so much with an associate's.

    Egg Moves:
    These are moves not normally learned by leveling up or by TMs or HMs. These are learned through breeding. For example, Arcanine (and Growlithe) can learn Morning Sun by breeding with Espeon that has already learned it. The male must have the move that you want to pass down, so in this case, you need a Male Espeon with the move Morning Sun, and a female Arcanine. The result will be a Growlithe with the move Morning Sun. That was an easy example. Read this guide for a recap and how to Chain-Breed.
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Just wondering; is the only way to check IV's to transfer your Pokemon to a computer and check it in a program? As far as I can tell, there is no real way of checking on any Pokemon game. EV's are easy if you do it right and breed out a fresh Pokemon to EV train, IV's, I'm not sure how you would keep track of or manipulate.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You can use IV calculators, but to get an accurate reading, you need to be closer to level 100 and no EV investment.

    Basically, you get on Wi-Fi and do Level 100 battles, look at the stats and Nature and punch them into the IV calculator.

    Frankly, I like just loading up Pokesav or Pokegen and going from there.

    And yes, I realized Game Freak has created situations where it is almost impossible not to cheat.
    The fact that you have at least 6 different hidden value systems that can only be clearly seen using a program is the reason why we all use Pokesav.

    If they frickin LISTED the IVs, EVs, Hidden Power (as well as base power), and listing the EV value when up against a Pokemon, I'd enjoy the games a little more without using any hacks.
  6. sinnoh2

    sinnoh2 Well-Known Member

    Mine is taking forever im barely at 493 x.x.. and its been like an hr !
  7. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you were one of the speakers who made me bang my head.;)
    Thanks for all that info.I've got an idea now.IV's are genes.So, we can't do anything to change them(no cheating)?
    And EV's are like reward points for killing a pokemon.Cool! I get an Atk EV for killing a patrat.So, how do I stack that point into my pokemon?
    And the Egg moves are hereditary.....hmm...how to make zorua learn dark pulse when both my zoroarks doesn't know them?

    One more thing people, what's the difference between Sp.Atk and Atk, Sp.Def and Def?(Sorry fro being so inquisitive, but I want to get updated with you young 'uns way of playing)
  8. sinnoh2

    sinnoh2 Well-Known Member

    Speed attack = Fast attack ;-; derp
    Sp Def = Fast Attack Defense.
  9. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    Oh, Speed Attack? Ah, I thought it was Special attack.Ah, anyways, thanks.
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    No. Atk means Attack.
    Def means Defense. These correspond. When hit by a physical move (icon looks like a boom or explosion), it is calculated with the Defense stat.

    SpA or Special Attack has the little watery circle icon for its moves. These are Special moves and are calculated using the SpD or Special Defense stat.

    If you have high Defense, a physical move will do less damage. If you have high Special Defense, a special move will do less damage. Also, if you have a high Attack, physical moves do more damage, and if you have a high Special Attack, special moves do more damage.

    Spe is Speed. Whichever value is higher determines who goes first not counting priority moves.

    For example:
    Close Combat is a physical move (as indicated by its icon), and will do damage according to the opponent's Defense stat. If the Def stat is high, Close Combat will do less damage. If the Def stat is low, Close Combat will do more damage. If your pokemon has a high Atk stat, Close Combat will do more damage, and if it is low, then it will do less damage. In this case, SpA does not apply.

    Psyshock is the only move (that I know of) that switches the stats. Its effectiveness is measured by your SpA as usual, but is calculated using the Def stat. The best part about this is that you don't have to split EVs for a mixed set, and just keep all of the EVs invested in SpA, while taking the "would have been split" EVs and put them into something else, while still being able to run a "mixed" set. Psyshock is best used against Special Walls since most Special Walls are only good for absorbing Special attacks, and not physical ones. Technically this is a Special attack, but since it is using the opponent's Def stat, it is a physical attack on their end (minus the implied contact).

    Back to the importance of IV and EV training.

    Timid (-Atk, +Spe)
    IVs: EVs: Stat at 100
    31 HP 6 EVs 262
    31 Atk 221
    31 Def 156
    31 SpA 252 EVs 339
    31 SpD 156
    30 Spe 252 EVs 338
    (Hidden Power Ice, 70)

    Same thing minus stacked EVs
    IVs: EVs: Stat at 100
    31 HP 71 EVs 278
    31 Atk 63 EVs 234
    31 Def 133 EVs 189
    31 SpA 46 EVs 287
    31 SpD 125 EVs 187
    30 Spe 72 EVs 289
    (Hidden Power Ice, 70)
    EVs are invested in stats that are not optimal.
    Speed went down by 49 points. (14.5% decrease)
    SpA went down by 52 points. (15.3% decrease)
    Rest of the stats hardly changed. Pitiful defenses are still pitiful.

    Now randomized IVs
    IVs: EVs: Stat at 100
    20 HP 71 EVs 267
    5 Atk 63 EVs 211
    2 Def 133 EVs 160
    10 SpA 46 EVs 266
    7 SpD 125 EVs 163
    4 Spe 72 EVs 260
    (Hidden Power Fire, 63)
    Spe went down by 29 points from the last (10.0% decrease), a total of 78 points (23.1% total decrease).
    SpA went down by 21 points from the last (7.31% decrease), a total of 73 points (21.5% total decrease).
  11. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member


    Thanks for clearing that Sp.Atk and Atk for me.It's full clear now.Two doubts about IV and EV:
    Suppose, I've the pokemon with randomised IVs, as given above.How to turn them into perfect IVs like the first two examples?
    As of EV, I understood the calculation part.But the thing I'm not getting is - Are the EVs automatically added to the pokemon who earns it by killing? Or do we have to distribute the points?
    Example: Patrat was killed by my tepig.Is the earned Atk EV point added to my Tepig's Atk automatically or do we have to do something to add that?
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    EVs are added automatically and they don't bother telling you. You gain all of the EVs actual stat contribution on next level up, so if you are level 100 and not EV trained, you're screwed. Also, level 100 Pokemon can't be EV trained this way because they don't gain EXP. You need to gain EXP for it to count.
    However, those stat increasers (HP Up, Protein, Iron, Carbos, Calcium, and Zinc) increases the EV count by 10 in its respective stat, but maxes at 100 EVs per stat.

    The only way to get near-perfect IVs reliably is to breed until you get one that meets all of your required conditions (near-perfect IVs, correct Nature, correct Ability, optional Egg moves etc.)

    Starting from scratch, this can take a LONG TIME. The offspring always takes 3 stats from its parents, so it will take sheer luck to get 31s on the majority of stats in order for those to be passed on. Basically, smashing two randomly assigned IVs and keep breeding until you get at least two eggs that have 31 IV in at least one stat. Then breed those two that you have the 31 IV in, and hopefully the offspring will pass on the 31 IV of both parents. Rinse and repeat until you can get at least 3 different IVs passed on.

    If you are IV breeding, you've stepped into hardcore territory.

    If you want to do this the cheating way, read up on every single post concerning Pokesav and Pokegen that has my name on it. If you can get through all that, then you have all of the information available to hack correctly. My more recent stuff covers Gen V.

    I really can't help anyone individually if they're just starting out with Pokesav or Pokegen. With the more advanced stuff, probably, but I don't need a bunch of people PMing me on how to do the finer art of hacking.
  13. sinnoh2

    sinnoh2 Well-Known Member

    Sorry it was like 2'o clock here x.x
    wait so basically if u have 252 hp
    u gain + 2 hp on stats when u lv up? o-o
  14. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    Thanks for ALL the help, insanecrazy07 ^_^ I've got EV and IV under my knowledge now.And yeah, don't wannah hack pokemon.Gotta breed 'em all!