it is possible to find him in the game and also deoxys because i saw in a web a picutre of deoxys and the pages said that he is the city of the rockets. also i want to know if someone knows what can i do with a meteorite the i found.
Well my brother played this a lot and I asked him. You can't find Mew normally in Ruby and you can get Deoxy by going to that town with the space rocket and your playtime must be past 200 hours or something.
space rocket... hey smart one, you need a ticket from one of those official pokemon MEETS, like me ans Shaymin in D/P I used a hack, and traded it to my real's better to hack, then trade ;D instead of flying to new york and getting them...
ACTUALLY, since you won't (and probably can't) travel to New York or to Japan, you'll have to use codebreaker or gameshark in order to get BOTH of them. Mew and Deoxys.
here it is mew 71E09BD117FDFD02 and deoxys 8C5DE8C8A33E9D88 and the master code 0000B138000A 1003A82A0007 always turn on the master code and only one code at a time except the master code you can check it on her