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Pokemon Ranger 3 multiplayer issue

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Anlex, Dec 26, 2010.

  1. Anlex

    Anlex New Member

    Hello everyone! My friend and I wanted to do some multiplayer missions together but so far we were not able to establish a connection. One cart is an original, the other game is run from a flashcart. Both are the European version.

    The games were started on different language settings and this language difference seems to be what is causing the problem (I still need to actually confirm this).

    If you have read until here and can contribute anything to help, then please do so.

    What I can think of without starting from the beginning on one of the two games, is to replace the file on the flashcart with a different save, which would have to be far enough into the game to do multiplayer missions. For this I would need a German savegame, so if anyone could provide this, that would be pretty much appreciated.

    Apart from that, the only thing I came up with is to modify the savegame within a hex editor to change the information about the language setting. I am not sure if this is even possible. I have taken a look at several savegames but that didn't really help. I know how to use a hex editor but I don't know which information is stored where in the savegame file. Help on this topic would also be pretty much appreciated.

    I hope someone out there can help me on this.. Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: (additional information)

    The flashcart involved is a Supercard DSTWO running EOS 1.08.