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Pokemon R/B/Y question about the SPECIAL Stat

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by DarkSylux, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. DarkSylux

    DarkSylux Active Member

    *note that i have searched and found no answer to my question on this site or any other*

    ok. in Pokemon R/B/Y, i have been training for a tournament with my friends using only the original versions. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it is the Special stat or Defence stat that affects how much damage you take from a special type attack.

    anyone who has played RBY should know that there is no Special Defence stat, only Special.

    any information will be much appreciated :D Thanks!
  2. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    I think Special is everything combined? Or maybe the moves. I forgot so yeah...
  3. AzureDeathX

    AzureDeathX New Member

    Special means both special attack and def. i beilieve back then special +Def was ur special defense
  4. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Yes, the special stat in R/B/Y counted for both Sp attack and Sp defense.

    It was one of the reasons Psychic pokemon were so godlike. Amnesia used to be an epically powerfull move.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I think Usoppu has it right. In essence, Amnesia was the first move to boost more than one stat, given that the stat represents two.

    Psychic pokemon were so godlike not only because of the Special indifferentiation, but also because no other real type could counter it. We had no Ghosts that were purely Ghost. If you used a Psychic move on a Ghost/Poison, the poison would overrule and land a super-effective hit. Also, the only Bug moves were Twinneedle and Pin Missile, and those were learned by Beedrill and Jolteon respectively.

    Also, pure elements were considered either physical or special, not like they have them now. All Psychic attacks were special based, as well as Ice, Electric, Fire, Water, with only a few being physical like Fighting, Rock, Normal, Bug, Poison?, Flying...

    Dragon was neither since the only Dragon move was Dragon Rage, which always does 40 damage.

    There is so much information that was withheld if you just looked at the stats in-game. Learning the actual mechanics is the key to winning. Even now, knowing IVs, EVs, Hidden Power, and other hidden mechanics is the basics to the competitive metagame.