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Pokemon Platinum - WiFi not working.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ReconUnit, Mar 22, 2009.

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  1. ReconUnit

    ReconUnit New Member

    I'm using R4DS and the Xenophobia Rom. Everything works in the game, I can save, blah blah.

    But anytime I try to access Wifi, particularly at the GTS, the game just freezes, goes black, and makes a consistent noise.

    >.< Help?

  2. i have thesame by pokemon pearl dude:p just try another timexD...
  3. ReconUnit

    ReconUnit New Member

    So it will work eventually if I keep trying?
  4. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Settings correct, works with other games?
  6. bardik_vox

    bardik_vox Member

    I'm also having this problem and all my settings and such are fine. I can get into the GTS and get as far as the room where you can pick battle and trade and what not in global wi-fi, when I begin trading though, the game freezes up and I'm met with constant noise.
  7. Stug

    Stug New Member

    same problem as above poster. any ideas?
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

  9. bardik_vox

    bardik_vox Member

    I had a look over those common issues a couple of times. Unless platinum needs arm7 or something, then I'm not sure what else is up. I've had zero hassle with every other game I've been running. It seems to me that lots of people are having trouble with the pokemon platinum rom in some form or another. Bad ROM perhaps?
    I can save fine, nothing is choppy or anything and I can even use the GTS. I get as far as the contact room for global wifi though, up to the point that I can actually interact with the other person, but as soon as I trigger trading, the game itself freezes and I can't soft reset or anything. I've followed the m3wiki instructions on writting the ROM too, unless perhaps they aren't with wifi in mind?
  10. bardik_vox

    bardik_vox Member

  11. bardik_vox

    bardik_vox Member

    Anyone else having such problems, or just as importantly; is everyone else having success?
  12. Majextic

    Majextic New Member

    Well, a day or two after it got dumped, I managed to get on, and put a Wooper up, but I've yet to be successful with the GTS again.
  13. bardik_vox

    bardik_vox Member

    Another bump. I managed to use GTS no problems again today. It's just person to person interaction over global wifi that refuses to work.
  14. matthew.villa

    matthew.villa Well-Known Member


    i went to the gts and tired to connect my ds to my router and when i test connection i get 2 bars then they just go.

    any help
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