I am looking for people who play pokemon platinum to play with them online. I am trying to get GHOST type pokemons, the one i am trying to get are this one: Gastly Haunter Gengar Misdreavus Spiritomb Dusknoir My Friend Code is: Change it (My sister using the DS I put it when she finish) Here u can give youre friend code so me or otheres member of Romulation can play whit you online in pokemon platinum. Here u can put what pokemon you like and otheres can talk to you for some trade. Cya in the answer... If this is copy topic, sorry.
there is another thread with everyone's FCs. there is also another thread with wifi trades and battles. are you using a rom or a cart?
I really dont now what is cart and rom, would you explain me plz i am new in the games of this things, my brother now alot but now i am getting in this.
Are you using the actual cartridge (like you went out to the store and bought it) or are you using the rom (the one from the site)
then just use pokesav to get your evolved forms like gengar. if you want gengar to count in your pokedex then make a gengar egg and hatch it, then release it if you don't want it. https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=18135 https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=18365.0 https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=18277.0 https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=7427.0 these are the 4 main threads for pokemon and wifi stuff.