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Pokemon Platinum Bad Egg

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Woolie1994, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Woolie1994

    Woolie1994 Well-Known Member

    I think I kinda screwed up my pokemon game.
    I changed my main team into some useless bad eggs which are poisoned and has a seal on it so I can't put them into my box.
    I used Pokésav to modify my team and got the damn eggs.
    I now must stay out of the grass at all time or else the game freezes and I have to reset the game.
    Can someone tell me what do to, or give me a really good and detailed pokesav tutorial, because this whole mess started with it and I effing hate it now ><

  2. jazzasidari

    jazzasidari Well-Known Member

    Just make another team and choose to use the 6 party slots and it should override it.
  3. shadow 26

    shadow 26 Well-Known Member

    also you can do a pokesave to totally erase the eggs just be sure to load another pokemon so you won´t get a misingno, belive me you don´t want to have one ether
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Why don't you want Misingno? I thought he was a good pokemon?
  5. shadow 26

    shadow 26 Well-Known Member

    what? misingno, a good pokemon? have you ever have one at least, it have 0 hp, no atacks and still it needs a space on the party, you can´t set it free or store it and it can no longer makes copys of items, if you ask me, thats not good at all
  6. Woolie1994

    Woolie1994 Well-Known Member

    A question guys: I can't put the pokemon in my box, because it's sealed and I can't put the seals off because it's an egg.... So what am I suposed to do now?


    PS: Where can I delete my pokemon with Pokesav
    PPS: I sure don't want a missingo! I already hated in pokemon R/B because it crashes your game!
  7. shadow 26

    shadow 26 Well-Known Member

    pay very much attention you open your pokesave and in the Right ( your Right ) you can see your party pokemon below this it says number of party pokemon or something like that, there, just change the number to amount you want to have ( don`t go above 6 or less than 1 I don`t know what would happen if you do it) if you lower it to 3 for example and you save your 3 last pokemons (if you have 6 in your party) will be erase and never come back, try it, thats how I could get rid of a stupid misingno

    DANGER: since this move erase the last pokemons of the list be sure that the last pokemons are the ones you want to erase
  8. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Just open up your Pokesav and occupy every single slot with a pokemon, then load them on, it should throw away your bad eggs :)
  9. NDS656

    NDS656 New Member

    hey pokesav is no longer the new name is projectpokemon.org
    but there is no upload bin i have make a bad egg

    first:make a pokemon but sav it not on the game and than open the pokemon whit one windows program
    set some text in the file en remove some
    than load open your sav of the game load the pokemon to the box and sav the game and than you
    have a virus bad egg pokemon
    i have send it to some trainers and there game have been killed
  10. nimishtoory

    nimishtoory Guest

    To finish the game you must have all pokemons, and Misingno is cool.
  11. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    No, it's still called "Pokesav", the website is www.projectpokemon.org
    Get it right.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    lol misingo!

    He was good...in red version for cloning items XD

    ...this is why I never bothered with pokesav-bad eggs ruin the game (if it were real-guessing it's not) and overall, defeats the purpose of playing thru it all...
  13. never250z

    never250z New Member

    DUDE THT Stupid Missingo Ate all my legendaries i put in my box with tht creepy thing I NO FAIL but i didnt no nothin abt tht missingo :)