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pokemon pearl friend code swap

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by A-Team, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. A-Team

    A-Team Well-Known Member

    I need some friend codes for pearl. No-one I know has a ds or has time to play with it. So anyone who wants to trade friend codes here is mine

    Name: Ali
    Code: 2021 1782 3583

    Plus, I have a graveler at level 45 roughly and I need to trade him for him to evolve so anyone who can do me this favour, I'll trade the graveler and then can you please trade it back with me. I know this is risky but I really want golem. Thank you
  2. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    Code: 5242 1292 0147

    I have platinum but we can still connect with each other.
  3. A-Team

    A-Team Well-Known Member

    can you trade graveler?
  4. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    Sure, what time zone are you in?
  5. A-Team

    A-Team Well-Known Member

    well i live in the uk and can come on now

    Post Merge: [time]1269460193[/time]
    time zone is gmt. i'm on at roughly 4-10pm on and off maybe later to