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Pokemon Pearl advice

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by xXbladeZz, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. xXbladeZz

    xXbladeZz Member

    HI i'm playin pokemon pearl and i would like some advice.
    My current pokemon are : 1Monferno 2 Starvaria 3 Luxio 4 Floatzel 5 Bronzor
    Anybody know a goog nr 6 for this team?
  2. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Also try:
  3. elevianpro

    elevianpro Member

    How to save in pokemon diamond i saved and do not know how to open my saved game? PLease tell me
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Please do not hijack threads.
  5. gladiator

    gladiator Well-Known Member

    you could put a roselia ( grass/poison) when you get a shiny stone you could make it evolve into a ROSERADE
  6. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Spiritomb Ghost/Dark no weakness + cant be touched by psychic, normal, and fighting
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    good luck talking to 31 people in the underground.
    ...or the same person 31 times enter/exit the base each time.
  8. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Actulay since he/she beat the elete 4 (i presume) she has the data in he pokedex so he/she could just trade with someone on wi-fi. (assuming he/she has wi-fi)
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    since everyone on here is either using an emulator or a flash cart, you could always pokesav it.
    i stayed legit until i got the national dex.
  10. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I have the actual game. I bought my flash cart after I bought Pokemon, besides I like to play legit.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    i have a legit cart too, which stays legit, but i also have it on my flash cart and i mainly use it to help other people out.
    after posting this, im going back on marriland again.

    and here comes the addiction once again.
  12. tomkang

    tomkang Member

    Yes, train monferno into inferno

    hasty nature
    Lv. 36+
    grass knot
    close combat
    thunder punch

    Train in attack and speed

    Evo of starvia
    adament nature
    quik attack

    train in attack and speed

    gyro ball

    train deffence and sp deffence and use as tank
  13. tomkang

    tomkang Member

    that has terrible base stats!

    do not use! do you know about EV's and IV's?
  14. Bilalus

    Bilalus Member

    whenever you are able to get your hands on a rhyhorn do so! rhyperior is a really good pokemon. Mine has crap IV's but has 360hp, 350att and 360 sumthing defense if i remember correctly level 100. or get a ghastly because gengar can be really useful. But you have to get an egg so it can learn hypnosis. Dream eater is a really useful move.
  15. tomkang

    tomkang Member

    252 spd ev/252 sp. att ev/6 def ev
    timid nature (+spd -sp.att)
    focas blast
    thunder bolt
    Focus Blast
    shadow ball

    Genger is always first to be effective since oh the bad deffence. shadow ball for Same,Type,Atttac,kBonus STAB (135 damage)
    Focus Blast to stop dark pokemon
    Thunder bolt covers alot

    write wotdaflip if you need/want to know bout Ev's and Iv's
  16. link1438

    link1438 Well-Known Member

    You could try for a Lucario for a sixth, if you train him, he can become a very good asset to your team.

    I prefer Psychic Pokemon, so my recommendations MAY differ...
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    lucario is pretty decent in-game, but i have never seen it used in competition.
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Lucario would be a terrible choice for a main pokemon.
  19. link1438

    link1438 Well-Known Member

    Wow... cause I seem to OWN with him >_> Yes, my Lv 100 party would lose >_> (only to a hacked Mewtwo >_>)
  20. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Lucario has way too much hype in the metagame, especially with noobs that just start.

    however, lucario is pretty decent in environmental battling (against the computer).