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Pokemon Origins

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Shadow Chaos, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. Shadow Chaos

    Shadow Chaos Member

    This is the link for the game: "http://www.byond.com/games/Valen45/PokemonOrigins?invite=RedBloodZX"
    This game is a must play if you are a pokemon fan or never liked nitendo's pokemon games, I didn't know where to post this, so I posted it here, please move it if this is the wrong section.

    Step 1: Download Byond

    Step 2: Make an account

    Step 3: Click on "Join now" on the "Play now" tab of Pokemon Origins

    Step 4: Let's Play! ;D

    It's in beta right now so don't complain and is updated frequently so be patient :)

    The game seems online but connection fails everytime, noone is online except for the maker of PO so I guess he's updating it or testing stuff, the player cap is at 20 and in the evning 40 or something, it's to reduce the lag or to make room as the map is quite small as the maker says (pretty big if you ask me). You can earn medals, trade, and battle, the battles, that's the thing that let me stay, they're really well done but the buffing attacks aren't programmed yet except for growl and maybe more, you can also bet on money as of right now, you need to bet on money to earn money, otherwise you can ask players for pokeballs and they'll give you some as the comunnity is REALLY helpfull. When you need a pokemon, just ask the players for help and they'll lead you to the place you can get them.

    !TIP! Pikachu and Poliwag are really powerful so get them as soon as you can, both can be find on a tiny field in the water, I eon't tell you where that tiny field is because I told you guys already so much stuff :p

    Note: When your waiting for PO to be online again, try Digimon Sagas :)

    PM me if you need help, IGN: Red
    Byond name: Red BloodZX
    Post Merge: [time]1261750949[/time]
    Reply Reply Reply @.@
    Play Play Play the game @.@
    Post Merge: [time]1261756938[/time]
    Why does noone reply? :/
    Hmm... Maybe because PO is not online yet...
    Anyways, tell me what you think of it right now, also ask me questions if you like :)
    Post Merge: [time]1261757824[/time]
    The game is online guys!
    Check it!
  2. JynxJester

    JynxJester Well-Known Member

    Isn't this just an self AD for your game?

    Well I don't think this will go down too well... as there are loads of online pokemon things... and this is a site where you can get the DS versions for free...

    So that's why I think this isn't going too well.
  3. Shadow Chaos

    Shadow Chaos Member

    You even haven't tried and followed the link yet now did you? -.-

    The battle system is WAY better than the other online pokemon games out there, you know the "turn by turn" battle system right, like in the original ninteno pokemon games right? Well PO has a different battle system than THAT battle system, you battle like in the Pokemon series, in this game you have AoE effects (Sleep powder), Lined attacks (Ember, Water Gun) and quick attacks (Tackle, Quick attack) You also have cooldowns in the game but as of now, you can't see if the move is charged or not
  4. Shadow Chaos

    Shadow Chaos Member

    just try the game... the battle system is ALOT more different than those original stupid pokemon games and this game is ALSO free, no p2p for more stuff to acess, no item shop for irl money just completely FREE! You didn't even try the game to complain that it is not free -.-

    That means you didn't try it, so don't comment
  5. GhanaChris

    GhanaChris Well-Known Member

    Lol, before I even played it, I'd say it sucks. It doens't even work with a Macintosh. STUPID...
  6. Shadow Chaos

    Shadow Chaos Member

    Does it even matter if it doesn't work with a macintosh? That doesn't mean the game sucks -.-
    You guys even don't try it, try it and comment, don't put a lame answer like you two did -.-

    For those who don't know what a macintosh is, it's a computer of some sort.
  7. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    are you stupid?
    you cant try it if it doesnt work on a mac
    and you dont even know what a macintosh is
    a computer of some sort?
  8. onekewlpenguin

    onekewlpenguin New Member

    Yeah, just tried it... not a good game. Lol. It's rather unoriginal and frankly pretty boring
  9. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    EDIT: don't want to start a flame war. =)