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Pokemon on G6

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by gon25, May 21, 2014.

  1. gon25

    gon25 New Member


    I have a g6ds real that works perfeclty with all of my games except pokemon. I have my dslite that freezes when i want to start a new games. I've done a lot of research but i'don't know what to do to fix this problem.... I have the latest firmware(4.9a)

    Can anyone help me please, thanks
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    That cartridge is from g6flash.com, right? That site seems to be gone/taken down already.
    I'm not too sure if it's a product made by the M3 Real team, or a clone of the M3 Real flash cartridge.
    Either way, the G6 last known firmware is v.5.0 released in 2008.
    It's not supported by any third party secondary firmware (WOOD, YSMENU, TTMENU, AKAIO, WAIO, etc.), so don't bother trying any of it on that cartridge. Will not work.

    Games you meant are working well on it excluding Pokémon, are probably those games you had before 2008-2009. While recently you probably want to play Pokémon games, but that doesn't work. I'm very sure any newer games with rom numbered above 4000 won't work either (except those without any anti-piracy protection in it).

    You could try using patched roms (for games numbered above 4000) to see if any works on that old cartridge. For example try patching those newer games including Pokemon games, using DS-Scene Rom Tool (Google Search for it!). Though, I highly doubt many would work on it's old and outdated firmware. No harm giving it a try though, just for fun while crossing your fingers.

    Best suggestion would be to buy a newer flash cartridge to play on your NDS console.
  3. flashmozzg

    flashmozzg Active Member

    TTMenu could work too.