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Pokemon: New OU team

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by insanecrazy07, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Since the removal of Salamence from the OU metagame (soon anything with Dragon typing will be removed as well...), I needed to create a new team since my old one was centered around Salamence.

    I'm building a new team around SD Lucario, obviously meant to be a late-game sweeper.
    I have a basic workup, but I need suggestions on making it better.
    *All setups use the first option, unless specified

    Here's my lineup:
    Attacking Lead Machamp
    DynamicPunch, DynamicPunch, DynamicPunch, annoy, annoy, annoy.
    Potential Lead Swampert counter.

    Stealth Rock Heatran
    Hidden Power Grass
    Shuca Berry should be nice against EQs.
    Heatran covers Machamp's weaknesses.
    Heatran also covers Scizor's weakness.

    Bulky Dragon Dance Gyarados
    Gyarados covers Heatran's prime weaknesses.
    Gyarados lures electric attacks

    Mixed Attacker Electivire
    Electivire covers Gyarados's prime weakness

    Lure Tyranitar @ Babiri Berry

    Swords Dance Scizor @ Leftovers
    alternate EV spread
    Late-game sweep, I always do well with this setup.
    If Heatran is still around, it covers Scizor's weakness.

    Got rid of Swampert and merged uses with Heatran with Stealth Rock. Also got rid of Lucario in favor of Scizor. Same role, different weaknesses.
    Took out Togekiss in favor of Electivire to complement Gyarados.

    Still have 3 vulnerable to EQ.
  2. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    why dont you just use an arsenal of Pikachus, why doesnt ANYBODY DO THIS?! FOOLPROOF GOD DAMMIT!
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I knew the second I saw that you posted that it wouldn't be a serious post. haha
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    How do you plan to deal with that big-ass Earthquake vulnerability?
  5. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    You mean like New Zealand?
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Only three are vulnerable. That's better than my last team which was 4.
    Earthquake is pretty much the only move you need to win OU since the majority of pokemon in the tier are weak to it. And if not Earthquake, then Stone Edge picks up the pieces.

    I've actually got an equally large hole in Fighting...

    And hopefully, with a scarf, I should be able to get a hit on whatever's packing EQ before it strikes.
    As for Tyranitar, I'm more concerned about fighting types and Scizor.

    I'm also thinking screw Lucario and go Scizor with the same type of setup.
  7. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Oh snap, you sure got me

    Four: Machamp, Heatran, T-Tar and Lucario.

    But yes, I expect you'll have an issue with a bulkier Machamp if it comes out after Togekiss is down.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    How is Machamp vulnerable to Earthquake? It's x1...
    Machamp is meant to be the lead. I doubt I'll be using it after the initial burst.

    *Updated lineup.
  9. picklesword

    picklesword Member

    I don't think Babiri berry tyranitar is the best course of action, from what your set has as lure, it will be slower than scizor anyways can just get u-turned. Maybe a better item could be lum berry to better deal with rotom forms as well as a few status pokemon like breloom that you could suprise
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I endorse this.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Tyranitar 61 base speed with +Speed nature, and 240 EVs in Speed.
    Scizor 65 base speed with neutral Speed nature, with 8 EVs in Speed for Choice Band set.
    Scizor is still slower if using the SD set.

    The only way Scizor outspeeds Tyranitar is if it uses the Choice Scarf set, but loses out on raw power.
    I'm keeping it for when Scizor is using one of the aforementioned sets that isn't the Choice Scarf set and uses Bullet Punch. Blah, I can't do math....but anyway, Bullet Punch has priority and can't outspeed Tyranitar using it's Choice Band set.

    Since this is a Lure set, most would think it's holding a Choice Scarf, which most people would choose Bullet Punch to get the first hit. They get the first hit, damage is halved, and I counter with Flamethrower. Done.

    I have plenty of Breloom counters either in the form of Flamethrower, or HP Ice.

    They don't allow Rotom forms on Wi-Fi so those are essentially not a threat.