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Pokemon Language patch?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by codytheheatmonster, Sep 10, 2009.

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  1. So some guy commented with a couple of patches, which are apparently meant to work, But I don't know...

    ... I tried it, but the rom wasn't translated. I tried to, or course, translate heart Gold. but I guess this isn't possible,

    Or is it? Any Patcher programs out there that can change all japanese into English in a rom? Please help, I know about 5 words of japanese about about 3 of them are food items. halp? D:
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    dude-it just came out-I'd suggest ethier waiting until OFFICIAL release of patch (which will take awhile..and won't be perfect for a long time) but best idea is to wait until the usa/euro version's come out.
  3. I didn't ask your opinion on weather I should wait for a US/Eur release, I asked if there was anything that could translate the language in a rom to english... Seriously...
  4. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Patches take awhile to make and are very slow in translation due to amount of txt-jump ultimate stars took forever just to get to where it is-and the quizes still aren't done.

    This is NOT opinion-it is a sad fact-I could wait years for a patch but why wait for a patch when I could wait for an officially done model.

    Dude-nothing personal-I've been here for a bit now and learnt the harsh realities about this sort of thing-if a team of translators heard they might have told you to do it-THEY DONE THAT TO ME!

    So...in best interest, I'd wait-I doubt many people here could do it-let alone enough to be playable within...a month.

    It's coding language and translating txt-which is a big job-remember this game did just come out-one team may have started but just wait and see-and relax :)
  6. Thanks for teh better explaination XP

    And yeah... I know, i just thought after THIS MANY YEARS of rom hacking, ripping etc, that someone might have thought it a good idea to make a .exe of some sort that rips open the rom, replaces all of one language with another, then puts it back together again.

    Seriously, someone needs to make something like that, just basically a Google Translator for Roms XD
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    They update regulary-sit back and watch...

    Sorry for not saying earlier-I thought it was a common fact-that and I thought it was clear enough-sorry dude :)
  8. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Actually, a program like that has been made for MOTHER 3 game, back then when the fan translation patch hadn't been made.

    from http://earthboundcentral.com/2009/08/automatic-mother-3-translator/

    Interesting stuff. :)
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Problem with that is google translations suck and you need someone to manually translate it. The tools to translate exists, it just takes time to do the actual translation. A translation patch will come quick, but not within an hour.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Wow-never knew that.

    But unless they make one for the new pokemon it's not much help...it's a great idea if you use emulators though.
  11. Ehh. Either a translation patch, or a Translation guide :p I'd at least like to know what part of it says. I learned three words so far, "Oh", "Yes" and "No" XP
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    See if anyone has done just one town yet-you never know.
  13. Nope, nothing yet. however I can only assume that it won't be long. I give it a day after it's official release and we'll have a FULL translation guide. till them, I'll play blind ^^
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I doubt it'll be that fast, msot of what I seen there takes longer than a month to be perfect.

    Don't be too hopeful-but if it's full done before the english rom is dumped, I'll eat my gamecube.
  15. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    You just have to wait for it. :p
    and please, don't expect the translation patch will be released in a short time. :)
  16. Lol, IO meant less than a day for a japanese guide of some sort to pop up, then I can just transpate the page and save it XD Probably a language guide will pop up soon :p
  17. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Nope, I'm sure you'll be able to find an in-progress English guide faster than a Japanese guide. It's hard like hell to find a working guide in other language, especially Japanese (or Chinese), plus automatic translators will always have problems translating those damn kanjis. :( A basic understanding in Japanese language is also needed if you want to use automatic translators for a text. :)
  18. That;s what i want, somehting that will be able to tell me what everyone and thing is saying in-game. weather that means a Patch (I know, it's gonna be ages till one of those) or some kind of guide that tells me what's going on XP
  19. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Actually a patch that will translate menus, items attacks etc. is being worked on, no idea how long it will take, though. (no story line translation though)
  20. That's a brilliant patch! Thanks for letting me know about it :) Having menu stuff is great, because then I can just figure out where and what to do elsewhere. :)

    But I guess, there would be like, 500 attacks or so, I'd guess about (Guessing) 10,000 words to translate, which could take a while... XP
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