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Pokemon Jap and Eur version at the same time

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by migugu, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. migugu

    migugu Member


    First of all, I'm using a TTDS and thanks to this great forum I've been able to play some nice games.

    Secondly, I'm wondering if there's a way to have both Pokemon Black/White from the Jap/Eur region being able to run without changing the YSMenu or TTMenu?

    This is a question because I've played the game Black with the v7 translation (so Jap region), but because I'd like to have the proper translation I'm now playing White (Eur). I've followed the DSTT/TTDS fix thread here: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=53474.0
    and now my White works (got the patched one) but my Black gives the error code -4.

    Any help is appreciated!
  2. migugu

    migugu Member

  3. migugu

    migugu Member

    C'mon, some of you must know the answer?
  4. BigGangstaKillaC93

    BigGangstaKillaC93 Well-Known Member

    Take a look here: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0
  5. migugu

    migugu Member

    That's the one I'm running on, so that's the one which enables EUR, but disables JAP =/
  6. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    why do you want the jap rom?
  7. migugu

    migugu Member

    To get some pokemons I've trained and being able to play Black aswel as White.
  8. migugu

    migugu Member

    ... It can't be that hard now can it? Just need to get both games working using 1 verison of TTMenu/YSMenu or something else...
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Basically what you want to do is get the v7 fan translated pkm BW version to run on the latest YSMENU/TTMENU along with the official pokemon version?

    The reason why the v7 can't run on the newer TTMENU/YSMENU is because RGF removed the offset for that v7 from his updates. So what you need to do;

    Prepare these:
    1. Download this package --> Editor Package
    2. A copy of the previous/old extinfo.dat and infolib.dat from your TTMENU/YSMENU's folder that
    you had been able to play the v7 (create and place it in 1 folder ; name the folder as "OLD")
    3. A copy of the latest/current extinfo.dat and infolib.dat that you are now using
    (create and place it in 1 folder ; name the folder as "NEW")

    1. After unpacking the package provided in the link above, open the TTDT.exe
    2. Now open the OLD folder and locate the extinfo.dat, do the same with the NEW folder also
    3. By doing this you have 2 tabs with the name extinfo.dat open in 1 program at the same time
    4. Now, locate in the OLD extinfo.dat for these 2 GAME ID names starting with IRAJ and IRBJ
    *If you see more than 1 of each GAME ID, just copy them all
    *JPN region pokemon BW are IRAJ and IRBJ
    *EU and US region pokemon BW are IRAO and IRBO
    5. Now click on the NEW extinfo.dat and paste it
    6. Now press SAVE (Do not press SAVE AS!!!)
    7. Editing the extinfo is over, now do the same steps 1 to 6 for the infolib.dat this time.
    8. Once done. Now copy over the NEW extinfo and infolib into your SD Card's TTMENU/YSMENU
    folder and choose REPLACE. Done
    9. Now test both version that you want to play with. You should now be able to play both
    versions on one YSMENU/TTMENU.
    *You might need to do an encrypt-decrypt process for the v7 rom (always make sure to run
    decrypted game rom when playing on YSMENU/TTMENU)

    In the package, beside TTDT, you will find 3 other programs; eNDcryptS, NDSTS, and R4CCE.
    1. eNDcryptS will enable you to encrypt or decrypt the game rom
    *extinfo.dat, infolib.dat, and savlib.dat always use the encrypted GAME ID
    *cheat.dat and usrcheat.dat always use the decrypted GAME ID
    2. R4CCE will enable you to edit the cheat.dat and usrcheat.dat, as well as view the GAME ID
    3. NDSTS will enable you to view the rom's GAME ID, CRC Code, etc.

    Retrogamefan for the YSMENU/TTMENU updates (not provided in the package)
    Jhon591/Drwhojan for the TTDT.exe and for teaching me the know-how back then
    No-intro for the eNDcryptS.exe and NDSTS.exe
    Yasu for the R4CCE.exe