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Pokemon (how will you build your team?)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Harubi, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member


    I'm sure there were topics before that asked you what kind of team you are going to make with the release of the new game, but my question comes with a twist.

    How will you build your team, and more importantly, why that way?

    - My team will be mostly about legendaries

    - My team will be about Ubers

    - My team will be definitely have at least one Uber/Legendary in it.

    - My team will have regular pokemon.

    - I'm going to make the best out of my team with 'trash' Pokemon!

    With that question, will you make your said team diverse, element wise?

    Let me know, i'm curious!
  2. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    OU team
    or maybe a stall
  3. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    non legendary
  4. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    I plan on raising a team that has under-rated Pokemon in it. Pokemon like Raticate and Ledian.

    I seriously have been planning my team since the first announcent of HG/SS. I've already planned to have around 20 Pokemon in my team from the 1st to the last badge.
  5. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Very cool, i'm curious to hear as to what 20 you are going for?

    I think this time around i'm going to actually go with under-rated as well.. Sentret for example, and by god i want a Linoone....hehe but i'll probably have to do that with GTC
  6. arkonad

    arkonad Active Member

    i plan to base my team equally, as in one of every primary type.
  7. Aceron

    Aceron Member

    I usually build my team using pokemon that people normally dont use.

    I also try to get some sort of equality going. (ie if i have bayleaf ill have a water type to help with bayleafs weaknesses)
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Is this asking about whatever pokemon are available in HG/SS?
    Is this about PvE or PvP?
    If it's PvP, the whole game is changed around seeing how the computer is absolutely retarded and doesn't have the predictability or tendencies of a real person. I've had the CPU use Waterfall repeatedly on my Toxicroak with Dry Skin. Are you kidding me? They never use setup moves or spike. Instead, they just take the strongest move or best matchup and attempt to sweep with only 2 damaging attacks. I did the Fortune Colosseum and they had two of my competitive pokemon; I had one, and I still won.

    With PvP, using one of the many competitive pokemon setups will do.
    For PvE, I'll probably have the standard trash that you acquire throughout the game + a starter.
    I've always liked Fire pokemon and it's a shame that even in DPPt, the only viable fire type was Rapidash (with the exception of Infernape) and even after the Elite Four, Rapidash and Infernape are really your only two decent fire types that aren't legendary.

    So, I'll probably roll with Typhlosion, even though I rolled a Feraligatr in the Japanese version. I found it rather difficult running with a water type since I can just fish for one. Gyarados will most likely be my primary Water type, Ampharos will be my primary electric, whatever flyer we get (Noctowl?), Alakazam or Gengar, and an HM slave (most likely a grass type).

    I prefer to leave my legendaries untouched so that I can put the proper EVs onto it and make it competitive. I never run Ubers or legendaries, unless we're talking Suicune.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I figure I might try out this big Morning Sun Arcanine that people are making a huge deal of. Otherwise, I'll build my teams like I always do:

    PvE: Whatever goes, as per usual. Classic Pokemon. Possibly Totodile start since I already have a Typhlosion.
    PvP: I'll check the meta and go from there.
  10. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    You know what ticks me off?

    That you're pretty much forced to evolve your pokemon to really fight comptetively.
    To be honest, i'm a big fan of pokemon such as Squirtle, Bulbasaur etc.
    Ivysaur and Wortortle i can kinda live with but Venusaur and Blastoise aren't really cool anymore imo.

    I wish they would do something about that in their next game.

    My team will probably be something like this, at least if i'll be able to trade them with someone


    Anyone got any ideas on who i should go with, from those i listed? (Bulbasaur is non-negotionable...he's my favourite)
    Btw, im not really gonna care to much about elements anymore... i really do want my team to just be with Pokémon that i like to use... and just work with that... if that mean being in a disadvantage towards a certain type... then so be it.
  11. maplelame

    maplelame Member

    remove furret and linnone,
    go with houndoom, b/c fire + dark
    i wouldn't go for a flying, but if u really want too. pidgey is my favorite, but go with fearow for drill peck
    bullet punch scizor
    special croagunk and starmie for water/psychic
    electrike b/c good speed and sp. attack stat, but limited to thunderbolt and flamethrower, which is still awesome to me.
  12. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I say you ditch Spearow/Pidgey and go for either Natu/Murkrow/Skarmory instead.
    Also, are you saying you want a traded Bulbasaur to replace your starter? Why not just use Chikorita.

    As for me I intend to use pokemon I haven't really used before, i'll decide as I go along, but nothing as crappy as Rattata or Ledyba...

    I'm starting with Cyndaquil.
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I'd have to see a general moveset or something. Using the actual Pikachu competitive setup will probably get you through the entire game if it's at an equal level to your opponent. Same thing with Heracross/Forretress/Scyther.

    Using Xatu would be interesting if you don't already have a psychic on your team. Pidgey and Spearow just plain suck and provide almost no benefit. Staraptor at least has Close Combat, which is pretty epic.


    Oh, and I totally want to try out the Morning Sun Arcanine now. Looks like I'll be getting Totodile instead to start with...
    For my electric type, I'm thinking about transferring over my event Pikachu that has Surf, and possibly delevel it so I can play it from the start.

    I wish the AI was a little smarter though...I mean, you don't wait 2 turns and then decide to SD, especially when you're in the red and you go second...
  14. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    this is what I would use... Not exactly a well rounded team, but I like all these, and it's what I've been using in my team since I played the original gold/silver... and they've never let me down

    Typhlosion/Charizard (My favorite of all pokemon)

    I might choose gyrados over dragonite, mostly because it has all the attributes of a dragon type, without it's weakness to dragon/ice attacks.... plus it can use Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Hydro Pump... good combination of attacks I think...
  15. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    I adore Bulbasaur.... its is truely my most favourite Pokémon... Chikorita is cool too... but yea...BULBASAURRRRRRR
    That being said... your suggestions are actually quite interesting and i will definitely consider them... Never thought about using Natu...
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Or STAB on the brutally powerful Dragon-type moves out there.
  17. kme92

    kme92 Well-Known Member

    Pokemon with such bad stats, they will unsuspectingly win....
  18. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    I agree. Even with use of perfect training which includes perfect IV's, EV's and natures....there really is no way for a Lv 50 Bulbasaur to beat a same level Venusaur, which is really sad.

    Although it is realistic in a way, I blame the Pokemon anime. It's showed for over 10 years now that the small cute Pokemon always win, yet in their games it's never the case.
  19. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I use my favourites. Or I just level as many as I can to 100.
  20. jhan

    jhan Guest

    My Pokemon will be:
    2.Teddyursa(dont ask why)