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Pokemon HGSS Challenge Help

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Ryuko2, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. Ryuko2

    Ryuko2 New Member

    Hello everyone. I am Ryuko2, and I have been challenged. You see. I am in the process of trying to beat Heart Gold with a Team of Never-used Pokemon. Two problems; Barring the trade issue, I have to keep that team throughout the entire game from the time I can catch Pokemon to the battle with Red atop mount silver. Also, I can't Power-level. Can anyone help me with suggestion and tips for this harsh challenge? BTW, my team I am planning on using consists of the following
    Sableye (Leader)
    Glaceon (Evolved legit)

    P.S. I know that Lance will murder me if I am not careful with this. Hopefully, with this Forum's help, this will be another triumphant note for trainer world wide.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Plenty of Revive. Plenty of Full Restore. Level Glaceon up a fair bit. Will think of more when I'm not so godawfully tired.
  3. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    What moves you got? Use sleeping powder or hypnosis or something for persian, sabelye and parasect if they can learn or lvl up and learn.
  4. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    What are their natures and special abilities?
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The Ampharos you get in-game isn't good enough? There's also Electrode that you can use now...that is, if you don't like Amphy's slowness.
    What about Entei? He's technically NU.
    Lapras would be decent to double as a Water type and a practical Lance-counter.

    You have 2 normal types, which pretty much provide no benefit to super-effective hits since no Normal attacks do super-effective damage.

    Hitmonchan will prove useful against Karen. I tried using Glaceon on Lance, but you'll need to be roughly his level to one, outspeed him, and two, land an OHKO. Glaceon may be a special sweeper, but it is too frail to take on Lance unless you are guaranteed to go first and OHKO. I would suggest catching a Lapras and make it bulkier. The bulkier setups do well on Lance since his Aerodactyl will most likely go first and cause massive damage if you are underleveled. I tried at level 42 and got my ass swept by Aerodactyl every single time. Also, Lance LOVES to use Flamethrower (R2), so a grass type is pretty much useless (it is useless most of the game...) I would use it as bait and switch with something to absorb the Flamethrower like Ninetales or Flareon, get the Flash Fire boost, get a Hypnosis, and attempt to sweep with that. Your best best is a Lapras like I said. It might not go first, but a STAB Surf on half of his team will work, and Ice Beam the rest. I would forgo Sableye since it's only purpose is to counter Psychics, which an Ampharos with Signal Beam does the job. I believe he learns it via level up.

    So my revised team for you would be:
    Hitmonchan (Karen, some Bruno)
    Lapras (Bruno, Lance)
    Ampharos (Will)
    Hypno (Koga, Bruno, Karen)
    You will need a Psychic to counter Gengar, because Ground won't do you any good. Hypno is a good candidate, and since Gengar doesn't have Shadow Ball, you can Psychic the crap out of it. Watch out for Destiny Bond though...or just use a Revive later. Hypno also takes out most of Koga's team.

    Since you already traded to get your Glaceon, I would recommend Gengar if you don't like Hypno.
    I could go as far as to say that you don't really need Hitmonchan since his Fighting counters Dark and Rock types. Rock is taken care of by Lapras and Dark is taken care of by Ampharos's Signal Beam, and Thunderbolt (or Discharge) on Murkrow. If you still need Fighting, a Togekiss with Aura Sphere can do the job, as well as provide paralysis support (very helpful against Lance) and annoy with Air Slash with Serene Grace. Really, the Paraflinch setup can clear out most of the E4 without much effort...

    So, my final setup:
    Togekiss (Aura Sphere, Twave, Air Slash with Serene Grace)
    Ampharos (Signal Beam)
    a filler Fire type, Entei (for sheer power, Roar the Dragon Dances away, whatever)
    Hitmonchan might actually be useful with Mach Punch against Aerodactyl, just because it can go first.

    The Elite 4 isn't hard if you just do type matchups. However, R2 is much, much harder especially if you're still in the 40s-50s like when I did it...
  6. Ryuko2

    Ryuko2 New Member

    This was a very in depth assessment with two problems + one tech problem; one almost all of your selection are OU to UU (with the BIG exception of entei, I forgot about him :'). Two....What you have posted is pretty much my team for Soul Silver, hence the reason I said "trying to beat Heart Gold" Even though I shot myself by naming this HGSS instead of Heart Gold. (tech: Pidgeot is a Normal/Flying with a good move list and can learn brave bird around level 50, so I should be able to get by with him).

    One point you did bring up was this... Just how much harder will R2 be? Is it as tough as R2 in Platinum? R2 Platinum Kicked my butt for a whole week. Especially Miss Cynthia :( .
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I derived my entire team from here: http://www.smogon.com/dp/tiers/nu
    Ctrl+F each of the pokemon I suggested. They're there in the NU tier. I would NEVER, ever use any NU pokemon in an OU battle. Also, none of those are HG or SS specific. Drowzee are common, Lapras are Union Cave on Fridays, Ampharos is obtainable in both, Togetic (I see that Togekiss is OU, but you can still use Togetic, which has all of the same stuff) is obtainable OBVIOUSLY, and Hitmonchan is what YOU recommended. Electrode is NU now if you look at the list...

    The fact that you're going up to level 50 on your Pidgeot tells me that you're willing to over level your team for R1. I beat the entire R1 at 42, 43ish being my highest level. Once you hit 50s, you're at par with their levels or above it, and that makes the R1 way too easy. Anyone with higher levels can sweep. The ones I suggested can pull off the job at low 40s.

    R2 isn't really difficult until he uses Salamence as a lead and tears through your team if it is still in the 50s...
  8. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    Actually, I believe Togetic is incapable of legally learning Air Slash - just a minor point, carry on.
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. But the bastard does have Extrasensory...I forgot Togekiss is OU. hehe, but you can still get a similar Paraflinch setup for Togetic. And fack again, he doesn't learn Aura Sphere either. Well then, scratch that idea. The whole point of that was to abuse flinching.

    I used Paraflinch to get through the majority of the Battle Tower in Pt.

    Looks like you'll have to use another filler. The rest of the team is solid. You really only need like 3 Pokemon to beat the E4...
  10. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but if you evolve it to Togekiss and give a Heart scale to the guy in Blackthorn City it can remember air slash.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Except the whole point was to keep the team NU, not OU...
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Paraflinch-hax in NU?

  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Is it actually obtainable in Johto without doing any trades? I was thinking about that but I don't know where to get a Dunsparce.
  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Rock Smash boulders in Dark Cave, iirc.
  15. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    Is your sableye legit? If so, where do you get it?