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Pokemon HEartgold Team help!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by abilas, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    OK so right now I'm at the part where i just battled sudoowoodo and caught it. I have 5 Pokemon on my team.

    weepingbell lvl 22-Vine whip, bullet seed, sleep powder, and Cut!
    Pidgeotto lvl 21-Quick attack, gust,tackle and U-turn
    Slowpoke lvl 21-Watergun, confusion,tackle, and disable
    quailava lvl 21-Flame wheel, ember, quick attack and headbutt
    Flaffy lvl 21- Thundershock, Thunderwave, Tackle, and growl

    I'm saving a 6th spot for Ho-OH
    and my next gym is in ecruteak city against morty the ghost type gym.

    I need suggestions for my team as it is not that strong! By suggestions i mean new Pokemon and moves!
  2. -Jad

    -Jad Member

    erm, I just used my Quailava but you should really fill that space up because your a long way away from Ho-OH, trust me. I've been playing for 18hours and my team is Dragonite 45, can't remember his name but the last evolve form of Quailava, waldren lvl 41, pigeot lvl 40 and thats it so far
  3. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    so do you have any pokemon suggestion to fill in that 6th space
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  4. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    Well it doesn't seem like you got an Eevee yet, but if you do, you can make it an Umbreon. (Full Happiness and level at night). Or you can get a Gastly and make it into a Haunter. Morty is really easy if you use your pokemon correctly. You can go the baby way, which is get a ton of whatever potions you can get, and a lot of revives and full heals, but it would be good to get the Eevee and evolve it either into an Espeon or Umbreon. Trust me, you have a long way to get to Ho-Oh. You're only halfway there, so it would be good to get an Umbreon or Espeon.
  5. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Get a Raticate for the gym!
    I got one and it was pretty much the only Pokémon I used there, it owned Morty!
  6. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    thatz a pretty good idea! but itz gonna take a heck of a long time to get it to max happiness and itz gonna be hard to train it to lvl 20? is there an easy way of training you could give me? thanks for all the help guys!

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    thatz a good idea too but raticate are only good for ghost gyms and i want pokemon thatz can be on my team till the pkmn leauge. Raticate are not really that good. Thanks for the help!
  7. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    use your slowpoke - confusion is very
    effective against poisen.
    gasly, haunter and gengar are ghost poisen.
  8. kyrodon

    kyrodon Guest

    Raticate can be very good with all its attacks, you just have to train it right.
  9. ASuch

    ASuch Well-Known Member

    Well getting to max happiness is actually pretty easy. If you have the soothe bell, and if not, go to national park, then give it to Eevee, and what you have to do is just put it as the first pokemon in the party, and just bike around goldenrod. And for training, just go to the left of Ecruteak or a place where there is at least level 20s. Training is boring, but it will help you along the way. So far, I have been training to level 58 for 3 days, but I have good progress. Don't expect to win Gym Leaders with just battling trainers and other people, you will have to do some right to the bone wild pokemon training. If you have any trainer phone numbers, you can use that to your advantage, because they do like to have rematches, so even though its annoying to have trainers calling you a lot, it will help you in the long run.
  10. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    thatz is my plan so far! but slowpokes special atk sucks! when it evolves to slowbro at lvl 37 thatz when it special atk becomes it strong point. right now itz atk is itz best. and the only offensive move it knows is tackle..... But so far that is my plan!
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You have several options.
    You can buy an Abra for 200 coins and level it one level for it to evolve and learn Confusion. It's base speed and SpA are more than enough to sweep Morty, assuming you'll get it to level 25. It learns Psybeam around that level as well which is very nice.

    I used the same tactic that someone suggested with Raticate, but I used Noctowl with Confusion. Gengar couldn't touch me. Pidgeotto can do the same job, just less effectively.

    I'm surprised you only taught one pokemon Headbutt, since there's at least 2 more that could use it in place of Tackle.

    Oh, and about Slowpoke's SpA...both Slowpoke and Slowbro are meant to be used as stallers, not sweepers. Kadabra/Alakazam do a better job for sweeping. Being extremly slow, Gengar will get a Shadow Ball on you and you'll be KOed instantly.
  12. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    In the early stages of the game ratata is a very useful pokemon! especially since it learns such strong atks really early in the game like bite, hyper fang and even quick attack! When it evolves to a raticate, itz even better, but then the other pokemon become stronger than it and it shows as a real weak pokemon. For a long while hyper fang will be itz strongest move, than theres double edge. but with raticates weak Hp it will be doing damage to itself to. also itz stats are not very good. itz strongest would be itz speed. which is useful but a pokemon with a high atk or sp.atk that slower could take out raticate in 2 hits because of itz really low def. and itz speed being itz strongest stat is still not that bad, because pokemon like typhlosion or pidgeot easily beat it!
  13. Setol

    Setol Well-Known Member

    wow i always beat game using only one pokemon starter so u know when i goes to ghoust lider i had my starter in lv 30
  14. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Can you like, not spell its with a z?

    Anyway, another Pokemon that is GREAT against Morty is Togetic with Extrasensory.
  16. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    i could do that too setol, because by than itz possible for my quailava to be a typhlosion or mayb close.
    but i choose to train more than one pkmn because it adds to the fun of the game!
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    sorry about the z thing but i got used to it. msn slang :p

    and i actually taght 2 pokemon headbutt but than i put slowpoke in the day care and it got erased and i decided i would go back later because slopoke learns it again at lvl 25. and slowpoke is really slow and although it wasn't meant to be a sweeper when it evolves to a slowbro it has a base sp.atk of 100! which is pretty good. and with a base def of 110 it can be really annying for the opposite team. but it could be easily taken down with an electric or ghost pokemon with a high sp.atk. and i think i'll go with an espeon but getting an abra at the game corner would be so much more easier to train! and the togepi idea is a good one too. i left it at the day care at lvl 6, last i checked it was a lvl 16. by now itz prebably a lvl 18 or 17. so maybe i might go with that
  17. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    i think the best option for you is
    training your quilava.
    that should be enough.
    using psychic and darkness seems
    not to work in your case.
    what about using togepi ?
    ever think something like this?
  18. abilas

    abilas Well-Known Member

    i would like to remind everyone that this is not just for the 4th gym! this si for the whole game. i need tips on pokemon i should catch and replace!
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I just suggested Togetic not even 3 posts back.

    Oh, and Weepinbell is absolutely USELESS after the 6th or so gym when they stop using CUT. You'll need it for 2 gyms late in the game, Lt. Surge's and Erika's.
    You should evolve Togepi as soon as possible! You'll be missing out on the Togetic movepool if you level it any higher.
    I usually sub in Gyarados for Slowbro once you hit the Lake of Rage. I found that the faster it is, the better, not to mention Gyarados is rather bulky if trained right.
  20. albert_atadero

    albert_atadero New Member

    Only a suggestion.
    I suggest you replace slowpoke with totodile. get it in a trade. becaa\use totodile has a bite that can beat the gym and can really help you alot in your adventure.