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Pokemon Heart Gold Save issue

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by dieisaidie, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. dieisaidie

    dieisaidie New Member

    Before I say anything, I know for a fact this question's been asked a lot, I've tried searching around both this site and used google, but didn't get any results.

    I'm trying to get a Heart Gold version to run on my R4 just so I can replay the game before the new one's US release. My R4 is a clone, by the way.

    I tried using the rudolph's patch and only got a white screen as soon as I tried to load the ROM. Some other patches got me to where Oak talks to you, but would never load. Finally I got the game to work on Wood R4 with Rudolph's patch. But I keep getting the "Impossible to save" error when I try to save.

    I've even replace the Arm7 with that of a platinum ROM, but I still have the same problem. Is there any way to fix this problem? Or is there no way to make it work on an clone R4SDHC Revolution?

    Any help with be appreciated. I apologize if this has been answered already. Thanks in advance. :]

    I think I'll go ahead and answer my own question: Instead of loading waio and then woodr4dldi or using wood firmware, I just ran Wood R4 SDHC, works like a charm. Only took a few hours of googling and trial/error.

    Thanks to anyone who bothered to read this XD Uhh someone can feel free to delete this or lock or whatever. Sorry for taking up unnecessary space ><