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Pokemon Gray website registered , Latest Pokemon game coming soon?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by yassine1, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. yassine1

    yassine1 Well-Known Member

    It looks like a new Pokemon game announcement could be on the way, if a recent domain registration is any indication.

    pokemongray.com was recently registered by Melbourne IT, the same company that managed the domain registration for Pokemon Black and White.

    However, it could simply be Nintendo covering their bases. It's not unknown for companies to register domain names of nonexistent games simply so others can't register them. Recently, Activision had an issue with ModernWarfare3.com, which was used as a pro-Battlefield 3 platform to slander the upcoming FPS game. It should also be noted that its other-English counterpart, "grey", does not appear to be registered by Melbourne IT and comes off as a pay-per-click website.

    Recent rumors have still shown that a Pokemon Gray can still be very much alive, and following Nintendo's tradition of a "trifecta" for each new Pokemon game series (Pokemon Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum), it's definitely not outside the realms of possibility.

    Nintendo has an upcoming 3DS internet presentation this Friday. Perhaps it will unveil some clues towards a new main series Pokemon game.

    Source: Gbatemp.net
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    or ordinary people speculatively register names companies might want in order to make money off of them.
  3. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

  4. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Old news but still ...
    Two rumours? A remake of Ruby and this?
  5. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Fixed! ;)

    I also got this news from many websites. Wow! ???
  6. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    why they are making pokemon gray is byond me why don't they just make a game with all the regions in with every last pokemon in and make that the final in the series i think they are milking their success a bit too much
  7. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Have you ever heard of money?
  8. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    yes and i think its possible i bet if a team was made this game could be created i have a few ideas for 4 new pokemon and new charcter designs so it shouldn't be that hard to do
  9. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i certainly hope they'll release RSE remake before 3rd version of BW.
  10. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    It proofs how a jump they made between gold and ruby
  11. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    It would kill the collect-and-trade nature of the game.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It would also kill the cycle of remaking each game in between every new gen.

    But that would mean less money.
  13. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    yes it is possible but wouldn't it make it a bit uhh complicated? well you know putting all four region would be just weird specially from the different features that each game has? and the level of the pokemon travelling to five different regions with 5 elite 4's? unless every region you'd have to start all over to zero but that would make the game a little bit tiring repeating all over unless if they make the experience points reallllllllly low just to be able to cope up with levels from the regions and the hm's is the next problems the hm's prevent you from going to places your not suppose to be going yet and that could be problem when your gonna be getting them early in kanto lets say thats where your gonna start and so on unless they change the map of the game itself but that would be just to much work right? well that would cost hella alot but hmm i dont know this is just my opinion

    ----god this is post is too long i didnt even feel like re-reading it
  14. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    well my idea would be this not a elite 4 x 5 i was thinking the legendary 7 and make the game remodeling all of the gyms from every region and being able to make you player from scratch like on dragon quest 9 and visiting every region to obtain all of the Pokemon from that region would be good instead of making a merged version of two games it would make more sense making a game combining black and white gold and silver and red and blue with 3ds graphics and updated music and the chance to fight people actually from the show giving you the chance to be apart of it adding voice chat to be able to wake your team from sleep or confusion would add to the awesomeness of this game
  15. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    That game idea means less money. That's all.
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    They had leveling issues in HGSS and that was with just two regions. Make it 4 or 5 and they'll never get the level progression right.

    Back when 4th gen debuted, I thought that a combination of all of the regions would be a good idea.
    I think it would be a cool idea if you couldn't bring pokemon from other regions into the new one, making all your HM problems, over leveling problem, etc. all go away. Then once you beat that region, it would unlock it so you can bring whatever you want into the region. It would be nice if you could choose which region you wanted to start in, and complete any region in any order. Also, as far as different sets of Elite 4s, we could merge the best of the Elite 4 into one final Elite 4 (with a champion) once all of the regions are completed. For example, we could take each Champion from each Elite 4 and that would comprise of the last Elite 4.

    Anyway, this idea is pretty much impossible to do since there's simply not enough space to have essentially 5 different games packed into a game that is 256 MB when each game is at least 128 MB.
  17. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    i like the sound of that but if so make it for the 3ds as it has the space on the cards it could be pulled off with ease
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    space isnt the only consideration. Large capacity chips cost a lot more than smaller ones.
  19. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    hmm i see your point but look at resident evil revilations thats getting a 4gb cart and thats i can see as the biggest game size for a cart game other than ocarina of time 3d