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Pokemon Games!!!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by benny95, Mar 14, 2010.


When did u start playing pokemon RPG

Poll closed Apr 13, 2010.
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  1. benny95

    benny95 Active Member

    What was ur first pokemon game?
  2. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Yellow, Blue, Red... The originals
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Red and Blue

    We got them around the time they came out, maybe a few months to a year or two after they came out we bought them, no clue when exactly.
  4. temporalfox

    temporalfox Member

    This..isn't the right forum. :0
  5. dj-husky

    dj-husky Member

    y b r all the way
    if you were the age at the time everybody had it.
  6. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    i started with emerald
  7. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Don't you mean TOPIC? RomUlation is a GREAT forum
  8. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

  9. tonysmallz

    tonysmallz Active Member

    i ahd blue then i dident play another Poke game untill platinum. but now i have gone back and bought and finished every one..
  10. luvelias

    luvelias Well-Known Member

    blue red yellow!
  11. Aeternus

    Aeternus New Member

    The first GameBoy game I got was Gold. After, I got Red and Yellow, but I started at the Second Gen.
  12. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Gold was my first.

    Then I beat Silver and then Red and Blue.
  13. knightof3

    knightof3 Well-Known Member

    I bought silver for the gameboy color used it had espeon and it was amazing until i restarted it and made a god like Ampharos which owned everything with thunder punch
  14. Tom133t

    Tom133t Member

    Blue, biatch.
  15. Missingno.

    Missingno. Member

    I started in the First generation and I show no signs of stopping.
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    is it me or he got the 1st and 2nd gen backward?

    anyway i start back in Red and Blue.
  17. DarkSylux

    DarkSylux Active Member

    gotta be red/blue/yellow. if you dont' start there, you can't truly appreciate how far pokemon has come.

    silver was my favorite tho. lets see if SoulSilver can top it
  18. seamore

    seamore Member

    i started with yellow got from friend, thought it was odd how that one was only one with a pokemon to follo you
  19. tzerthamin

    tzerthamin Member

    got gold first and got full pokedex XD no celebi ): then i think i either found or bought blue then played leafgreen....so 2nd gen :D
  20. Elratauru

    Elratauru Guest

    Well, I started with the Red & Green Combo of the 1st gen, JP ones, of course.