Pika or Shoo? Pikashoo ;D Rules: -Say a name for a combined pokemon -Then the next user will reply "pika" if he/she likes it -and "shoo" if not -Then he/she will give another name of a combined pokemon and so on For example: I'll start: PikaMeow (Pikachu+Meowth) ;D
There is even a topic where they use parts of the pokemon sprites to make new pokemon hybrids... Still A for effort... Charitwo (charizard/mewtwo) Unlike that other thread at least I can play this at least-no need for gimp or photo shop here
ya i read about it anyways, you need to tell if "pika" (you like what the above person said) or shoo pika NineDash (Ninetales+Rapidash)
"Girafapom" haha cool name illuse it on hg so pika I say.oh amd dragonduck is so pika too arcelkia (arceus+palkia)
UBER PIKA!!!!!!!!! *noms shamwow* daraytrikea (darkrai+shaymin+electrike+ "pika") BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~don konoji