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Pokemon EV stab and attack Power TOTAL question HELP!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by dragneon007, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Ok! So.. I been Trying to figure out the total amount of damage for my custom Ev spread, and I Haven't played pokemon in ages in the competitive spirit, and I want to get back in, but theres one thing stopping me.

    Heres what I need to know.

    I have a adament Snorlax Ev'd in Attack with the Attack stat of 350 and this what my question is, how does his Bodyslam Stab of 120 add up on his 350 attack stat?

    would it add it all up like 120 stab Bodyslam + 350 = 470???

    and now theres the second question to this after stab bodyslam plus his attack stat add all up! how much would it increase after one Curse?

    I'm not a very smart guy so please don't make it sound so complicated lol I just need to know how stab and his Max attack add up and how one curse would Total it.

    Thanks in advance.

    OK so not sure if this is correct I tried doing math and adding this all up to get the total number on my Crobat

    BraveBird120 x times stab1.5 and Crobats attack stat of 300 and stage boost of Curse 1.5 =720? is that Correct?

    Sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread, and sorry because I sound confused about my own question, and can't seem to explain it right because even I'm confused, since I suck at math.
  2. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    I'm not too sure about the actual attack calculations (I read about it somewhere, I think in Serebii . . . too complex), but I am quite sure that Body Slam is at best only at 85. 120 is the power range of high-end moves, like Fire Blast, Blizzard and Thunder - there's no way Body Slam's that good.
    For your second question, again I'm not sure about the FINAL attack calculations, but when you do a stage 1 power up (i.e. Curse, Howl, Calm Mind, Defense Curl, etc. and also the "Choice" items) it raises its respective stat up by 50% or 0.5. So a partial answer to your second question would be that after one "Curse", your Snorlax's Attack stat would be:

    (350)*(1.5) = 525

    One more thing, I would like to hear your reasons for using "Curse" on Crobat- one of the fastest Pokemon in the game. To me, it's counterproductive, but I'm sure you have your reasons . . .
  3. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    lmao never mind my very bad math and explanation skills along with my terrible grammar have come through lol I tested out this Crobat and it's a beast

    reason why I wanted this is because I use a white herb on crobat and with his custom ev spread on his EV's on deffence are made with ballance and with my other pokemon to set up burn and whatnot makes this crobat pretty cool it may sound stupid on paper but i already tested it out and it works with my halloween theme team plus he catches people off gaurd thinking I would normally switch out

    plus no one wants to face a Cursing crobat with a phyisical attacker while burned lol
  4. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that would be a SURPRISE, definitely something I wouldn't expect from Crobat.

    Looks like you have better math skills than me, coming up with a custom EV spread. All I know are the max stats Pokemon can get, the nature effects, and that 252 EV's will raise up the stat all the way (assuming 31 IV for the stat and the right nature boost). What I'm trying to say is that most of my Pokemon have 252/252 EV spreads, the rare few getting 252/100/152 - nothing complex. Either way though, EV trained Pokemon tend to be better than randomly trained Pokemon.
  5. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Members at my site could easily answer this question.

    Visit it when you have time, you'll find it useful.

  6. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    Will do raysie, thanks.