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Pokemon Emerald Gameshark help Please

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Galdr Chant, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Galdr Chant

    Galdr Chant Member

    I have a gameshark, a quite updated model of 2007.

    I mainly use it for my FR/LG/E games, and there are certain codes that seem to not work for Emerald version.

    For instance, when I use the MOD Shop and the MOD items, i.e. All Pokeballs/All Key Items/All Hold Items etc., it seems to work JUST fine in FR and LG.

    However, only the All Pokeballs cheat work with the MOD Shop in Emerald, while the All Items and everything else doesn't. It just freezes up my game.

    The codes were already preloaded on the system when I purchased my item (from Amazon). They have never worked ever since, and it's a brand new Gameshark. All the other codes seem to work fine, just those certain ones do not.

    Anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this situation?

    And, I'm aware, that FR/LG codes differ from Emerald codes, I felt that I had to compare the working codes from the nonworking ones.

    Sorry, if that was extra information. I'll be extremely glad if I can get any sort of answer/suggestion. Thank you in advance.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    First of all, is there any way to update the codes? I'm unfamiliar with Gameshark hardware.

    Secondly, you might have a different region's codes or Emerald cart - a friend of mine had a pirated Ruby that wasn't friendly to most codes. I'd suggest testing it on another Emerald cart (if you can get your hands on one). Using that, determine whether the problem is in your game (in which case all codes will work fine on the other cartridge) or in your Gameshark (if the codes still don't work). If the problem's in your Gameshark, then either its codes are wrong or you're using the wrong region's codes. I'd strongly assume the former though, if the game freezes - Gameshark uses memory injection, so inserting the wrong bit into the wrong sector can lead to game freezing.
  3. Galdr Chant

    Galdr Chant Member

    The Gameshark codes that were preloaded are the same exact codes when I checked Gameshark.com, which is for the US version.

    My Emerald, is also the US version.
    I took your advice about getting another Emerald and re-testing the codes. I actually downloaded the US ROM of Emerald from here, (since I have no funds to purchase another cartridge) and using the same US codes from the GS, the same codes still didn't work.

    I may have to retype in the codes from the site, perhaps I misread.
    Although, I do appreciate your advice and I'll keep trying. Thank you.