Ok, I'm not sure if someone has already brought this up, but I've been racking my brain trying to find a solution to this. When I enter Rusturf Cave or go dive the screen gets all foggy and I cant see past it. I've seen clips of these areas and the fog is supposed to be somewhat transperent(sp), but in the ROM you cannot make out anything except your own toon and other NPCs. If you have any solution or can point me to where I can find a solution I'd be very appreciative. I've been using NO$GBA 2.4 and the ROM is https://www.romulation.org/GBA/1986_-_Pokemon_-_Emerald_Version_(U).rar.html I'm not sure if perhaps the ROM is bugged, or if I should find a new Emulator, or if its only some option I haven't set on the NO$GBA specifications. Again, I welcome any help, I'd really like to play this game.
it is very unlikely to be the rom. It could be the emulator config, or maybe its a bug in the emulation, in which case theres likely no fix
In that case its most likely emulator configuration. TheSnowman, please post your emulator name and version, along with the configuration you use.
Well, I solved my prob, downloaded VBA mand loaded the ROM with that. I'm not sure what was causing the problem in NO$GBA, or under what conditions NO$GBA would play the ROM correctly in a foggy situation. =/
You could always try Visual Boy Advance if the problem keeps going even if u downloaded no$cash again