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Pokemon (difference after 2nd Gen)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Noukon, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. Noukon

    Noukon Active Member

    Hey, i was reading a post on some pokemon stuff, and i realized everything after 2gen is mediocre at best.

    They werent BAD exactly, just a little.... meh.

    I think the main thing i noticed was the feel you got from the games... 2gen and below were all about you becoming a master... you were trying to stop team rocket as a side thing, but really they were just doing some small-time criminal stuff and you really never really felt they were your concern.... they just bugged you so you got rid of them. (really, some of the things they did werent even ILLEGAL... like them being in Mt moon... they were excavating fossils, and selling them... really thats exactly the same as what archeologists do!)

    No pressure from the whole "Chosen one saving the world" kinda thing really... no epic pokemon being unleashed for the sole reason of you being awesome... you were just a lucky kid in a game about catching monsters. (except in silver/gold/crystal... but this was a balance between pokemon revealing themselves and you battling to be a master... 50%/50% balance was good)

    Now though, you are pushed to meet bosses near the beginning, you have to unite the pokemon for no real reason or explanation... you just Do It.

    It's not about beating the game or catching pokemon in the story anymore... now its all about you stopping team 'something' from getting there hands on the legendary pokemon 'something'... for no other reason than you being a main character.

    Anyway, now i forgot why i post this... its not new or really different from many other posts... i just kind of had an realization about why i just dont feel as attached to any newer pokemon game.

    -shrug- Whatever... :p
  2. King Cookie

    King Cookie Well-Known Member

    The story was never the focus of Pokemon. It was filler at best. The main point is the Pokemon themselves. Catching them, training them, etc.
  3. AstroGod

    AstroGod Well-Known Member

    they steal pokemon
    they killed pokemon before
  4. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    They doing anything to rule the world by using strongest pokemon likes the legendary.
  5. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    It's the rivals, none of them are as good as Green or Silver.