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Pokemon Diamond - Ultimate team. - UPDATED READ AGAIN

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by DorTheScripter, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. DorTheScripter

    DorTheScripter Well-Known Member

    Now, I've been playing pokemon diamond for a while, and I'd like to have a "perfect" team.
    what would that mean?

    with 4 or 5 pokemon, I want to cover all of the type spectrum and have a type advantage against every single type.
    why not 6? because one pokemon is a "slave" containing only HMs.

    there are no limitation of which pokemon are possible, all pokemon are accepted, even impossible legendaries like Lugia or Mewtwo.

    Thanks in advance, Dor.

  2. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Diamond - Ultimate team.

    Than why not 6 Arceus than you can have 6 type of your choosing
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Diamond - Ultimate team.

    I'd say Giratina. It is possible to get a Gold or Silver game and trade it to a GBA pokemon game then you can migrate over old legendary pokemon.
  4. Sprite

    Sprite Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Diamond - Ultimate team.


    There is no perfect team. However, if you want a team that covers a broad spectrum of types, try this:

    Lanturn (Electric/Water)
    Tyranitar (Rock/Dark)
    Exeggutor (Grass/Psychic)
    Froslass (Ice/Ghost)
    Heatran (Fire/Steel)

    It's impossible to cover every type with even a full team as there are 17 types which would require 9 Pokemon. And that beats most types but not all as it's not a full team as you requested.

    You can't trade from Gold/Silver, because 2nd gen isn't compatible with 3rd, however you can migrate Pokemon from 3rd after you've completed the game.

    If you decide to have the full team then choose Toxicroak as well. (Poison/Fighting)
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Diamond - Ultimate team.

    I said that above. You must be tired.

    Well, it's just what I heard, I wouldn't really know as I'm unable to do that.
  6. Sprite

    Sprite Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Diamond - Ultimate team.

    I know you said it above. But my sentence would have felt weird if I'd just left it there :D
  7. DorTheScripter

    DorTheScripter Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Diamond - Ultimate team.

    Thanks Sprite :)

    EDIT: It's not true what you said.
    Yes, there are 17 types, but some types have an advantage for more then 1 type (Ice type for example has 6 types in his advantage: Grass, Flying, Rock, Ground, Dragon, Bug).

    So there might be a perfect team. :)

    I've found my perfect team :)

    Piloswine (ICE/GROUND) (Flying Dragon Grass Ground Electric Fire Poison Rock Steel)
    Charizard (FLYING/FIRE) (Bug Grass Ice Steel Fighter)
    Lucario (FIGHER/STEEL) (Dark Ice Normal Rock Steel)
    Rotom (GHOST/ELECTRIC) (Flying Water Psychic Ghost)

    Total of 17 advantage types :)
  8. Sprite

    Sprite Well-Known Member

    I reiterate: there is no perfect team.

    In theoretical terms there might be, but in practical use there isn't.

    For example, Rotom has a type of Ghost/Electric.

    But it's stats are so low that those types you listed? It's probably not going to kill most Pokemon of those types before it dies. Especially not Psychic and Ghost, almost all Pokemon of those types are better than Rotom and will kill it before you can blink.

    Charizard is fine but what Flying attack are you going to use against those lovely Fighting Pokemon? Wing Attack? Or God forbid, Fly? Charizard is crap for taking down Fighting Pokemon because he doesn't have enough attack stat to pull Flying moves off, so the Fighter's high defence will just shrug it off. And then Cross Chop you to death or something.

    And as much as I love Piloswine, it just doesn't cut it. It may have an advantage against Grass and Fire but it also has a weakness to Grass and Fire, and it doesn't have the speed nor the defences to survive more than attack from one of those, and doesn't have the attack to kill the opponent in one hit; ergo, it'll die. At least choose Mamoswine.

    Can't go wrong with Lucario, though. (Make sure to teach it Aura Sphere, it's one of the best Fighting moves in the game; and also Dragon Pulse, because it's a decent Dragon move and nothing has a resistance to it.)

    I'm not trying to put a downer on you here, you have some good ideas, but theory is different from practice. I used to play in the Metagame (aka competitively) and learnt pretty quickly what's a good idea and what's not. I can help you, but first you need to get rid of the silly idea that type advantage = automatic win. It helps, but what's more important is the stats of the Pokemon and the moves you teach it. Most Pokemon learn moves other than their types so you don't need certain Pokemon types in your team.

    Lucario is one such example. It learns moves of the types: Dark, Normal, Fighting, Steel, Ground, Dragon, Water, Poison, Psychic, Ghost, Rock and Fire. With the right moveset there's not much it can't take down.

    It's all about the stats and the moves, not the types. :D

    God, can I show myself to be any more of a geek?
  9. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i'd stop trying to get a perfect team. it's proved.

    and i never bothered much about a team that could beat any type, i used to rely on my pokemons levels, if it was a bit higher, it'd kill any pokemon. however, i tried to get many types in my team. this is my list:

    empoleon, lv 50
    luxray, lv 50
    staraptor, lv 50
    dialga, lv 50
    uxie, lv 50
    rapidash, lv 50

    i always tried to keep my team at a similar level. and i didn't got past the elite four yet. in fact, i just got past the last gym.

    and, no, you can't sprite. :p
  10. lester2020

    lester2020 Well-Known Member

    It depends on what team you need, but what level you need to achieved. The elite four's pokemon are
    at levels 50 - 60 including cynthia's (the champ) team that are levels 60 - 70 i think. So their are many options
    to: buy lots of Hyper Potions and a few Full Restores or train your current to its finest. But being lucky might be
    the best weapon you'll have.
  11. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i don't believe in luck. :D

    and a trained team is the best team.
  12. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    1) marshstomp LV62
    2) tortera LV53
    3) blazaken LV58
    4) staraptor LV 54
    5) metacross Lv70
    6) luxray LV45
  13. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    I got

    1.) lv 100 Empoleon
    2.) lv 89 Giratina
    3.) lv 100 Dialga
    4.) Lv 79 Heatran
    5.) lv 100 Dragonite
    6.) lv 100 Staraptor

    I find this team cool
  14. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    6 Arceus=dream team..

    anyways, my team has wiped out alot of people on Wifi, I'm on a winning streak >.>

    Persian lvl 100
    Weavile lvl 100
    Absol lvl 100
    Breloom Lvl 100
    Vaporeon lvl 100
    Tangrowth lvl 100

    EV trained, Pokesav'd to make shiny :)

    Streak- 13-0 ;D
  15. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokemon Diamond - Ultimate team.

    Hmmmm... you have a ground, fire, steel, and electric... Quagsire, Whiscash, and Swampert that know Surf and Earthquake can beat you... just something to think about...
  16. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Problem is, earthquake won't beat a ghost.

    Other than that, you're right, Renji.
  17. rorybob

    rorybob Well-Known Member

    Hmm... Heres my friend, PhoenixClaws help. :)
    Gengar (Hades) @ Focus Sash
    Ability: Levitate
    Nature: Timid (+Spd/ -Att)
    EVs: 252 Speed/252 Special Attack/4 HP
    Stats: 262 HP/149 Attack/156 Defense/350 Speed/359 Sp. Attack/186 Sp. Defense
    Shadow Ball
    Destiny Bond
    Machamp (Atlas) @ Shell Bell
    Ability: No Guard
    Nature: Impish (+ Def/ -Sp. Att)
    EVs: 236 Defense/216 Attack/56 HP
    Stats: 335 HP/350 Attack/280 Defense/146 Speed/149 Sp. Attack/206 Sp. Defense
    Ice Punch
    Stone Edge
    Starmie (Poseidon) @ Life Orb
    Ability: Natural Cure
    Nature: Modest (+Sp. Att/ -Att)
    EVs: 252 Speed/252 Sp. Attack/4 HP
    Stats: 262 HP/167 Attack/206 Defense/329 Speed/328 Sp. Attack/206 Sp. Defense
    Ice Beam
    Confuse Ray
    Charizard (Zeus) @ Salac Berry
    Ability: Blaze
    Nature: Jolly (+Spd/ -Sp. Att)
    EVs: 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 Defense (30 IV for HP to make it evenly divisible by 4)
    Stats: 296 HP/267 Attack/193 Defense/328 Speed/228 Sp. Attack/206 Sp. Defense
    Fire Punch
    Belly Drum
    Pinsir (Hercules) @ Expert Belt
    Ability: Hyper Cutter
    Nature: Adamant (+Att/ -Sp. Att)
    EVs: 252 Speed/220 Attack/36 HP
    Stats: 280 HP/375 Attack/236 Defense/269 Speed/131 Sp. Attack/176 Sp. Defense
    Rock Slide
    Stealth Rock
    Close Combat
    Kangaskhan (Aphrodite) @ Leftovers
    Ability: Early Bird
    Nature: Careful (+Sp. Def/-Sp. Att)
    EVs: 252 HP/236 Sp. Defense/20 Defense
    Stats: 414 HP/226 Attack/201 Defense/216 Speed/104 Sp. Attack/280 Sp. Defense
    If you want, i could tell you how to use each pokemon, how they're meant to be used.
  18. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I think i know your friends strategy but why the Confuse Ray on Starmie ,aka, Poseidon? I would have gon with Psychic
  19. rorybob

    rorybob Well-Known Member

    To Quote;
  20. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    that should be "if and when confusion kicks in", but who cares it still a good stratagy. Im gona have fun trying to counter your friends team. (>0.0)>