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Pokemon Diamond Plus Version 2! I must warn you, it's long.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by T-Dub, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Yo, peeps, it's been awhile, yeah I know, but I'm just here to announce the public release of Pokemon Diamond Version 2 and reveal some of the ways to make Pokemon usually obtained by trading evolve, not the mention the differences between version 1 and version 2.

    First though, I think it's important I give you guys here the link to the game, so here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?tzmouqi0nyz

    Now, here's what new you'll see in Version 2. I've changed some more of the gym leaders and Elite Four Pokemon, I've also raised the levels of your rival Pokemon in the first and second battles, so be ready.

    I've also added more Pokemon that I previous forgot to add in the wild and trainer battle in the first installment. Also, I took the liberty to add more new moveset to a couple Pokemon and added new special abilities, for example Honchkrow SA is now Pressure/Super Luck.

    Wayward cave is also finished, it should be the home to many dragon type Pokemon, first and second visits.

    Every Pokemon have go-back moves so make sure you find heart scales, wild Eevee and Luvdisc carry them. Trade them in to the collector guy who lives in pastora.

    I think I should warn you that I didn't edited the vs seeker, meaning if you fight a trainer who eventually gets stronger, they will have the same Pokemon the game originally gave them. But I doubt you'll really need to use it, the trainer and the wild Pokemon levels are high enough to help you level up without rematches...it's up to you what you want to do.

    I also didn't change the trainers you fight inside the TV station in Jubilife, didn't think they were worth the change, I mean, they never get stronger.

    My last and final announcement before revealing how to make your traded Pokemon evolve, is this: In order for you to get your sinooh Dex fully completed and able to move on to the 3 extra island, you'll have fight every single trainer at least once, in the sea especially. Also, I've changed all the trainers Pokemon on the extra islands and inside stark mountain, what I didn't do was change the wild Pokemon there, I'll probably do that next, after I finally decide to edit the trainer rematches...dunno.

    The evolution solution
    Poliwhirl evolves into Poliwrath by being exposed to the Water Stone. (Some wild water type might hold water stones) It evolves into Politoed by holding the Splash Plate and leveling up in sun light.

    Kadabra evolves into Alakazam by holding the Mind Plate and leveling up in sun light.

    Machoke evolves into Machamp by holding the Fist Plate and leveling up in sun light.

    Graveler evolves into Golem by holding the Earth Plate and leveling up in sun light.

    Haunter evolves into Gengar by holding the Spooky Plate and leveling up in moon light.

    Slowpoke still evolves into Slowbro at Lv 37, but evolves into Slowking by exposing it to the Water Stone.

    Onix evolves into Steelix by leveling up inside Mt. Coronet, if was possible to do this inside Iron Island, trust me...It would be there instead of here.

    Second verse, same as the first, Rhydon also evolves into Rhyperior by walking around and leveling up inside Mt. Coronet, and my opinion about the Iron Island thing remain the same.

    Seadra evolves into Kingdra by exposing it to the luring effects of the Water Stone.

    Scyther evolves into Scizor at Lv 42.

    Electabuzz evolves into Electivire by exposing it to the Thunder Stone.

    Magmar evolutionary condition is also similar to that of Electabuzz, just use the friggen Fire Stone on it, then presto, you have Magfatass.

    Don't worry all of Eevee evolutionary conditions are still the same, so no sweating when catching one in Eterna Forest.

    Porygon evolves into Porygon2 by successfully reaching Lv 38 and evolves into Porygon-Z by using the Dawn Stone on it.

    Oh yeah, but I forget, Gligar evolves into Gliscor by different conditions, just let it learn the attack Slash and should evolves. The reason I did this is, because bout time you obtain a Razor Fang, you'll basically already done with the game.

    Now, going straight to the Hoenn section, Kirla evolves into Gallade and Gardevior with two different conditions.

    When a male Kirla reaches Lv 30 it will evolve into Gallade and when a female Kirla reaches Lv 30 it will respectively evolves into Gallade's counterpart, Gardevior...It's just that simple, there shouldn't be a Gardevior with nads walking around, that just WEIRD, so that why I changed it this way.

    Just like in Ruby-Redux; Trapinch evolves into Vibrava at Lv 28 and into Flygon at Lv 40. I did that because Flygon is one of my favorite Pokemon.

    On a strange twist of faith, Feebas evolves by showing it the Dawn Stone and awakening the poor thing inner beauty...or some crap like that.

    Dusclops evolves into Dusknoir by exposing it to the Dusk Stone. Get it, Dusknoir...Dusk Stone...Alright, not funny.

    Okay...Moving on...Snorunt still evolves the same way so don't catch a female Snorunt, level it up to 40 and expect it to evolve into Froslass...Because it won't, it'll just turn into Glalie.

    Clamperl's condition is still the same as it was on Ruby-Redux, it evolves into both Huntail and Gorebyess, by respectively exposing them to either the sun or moon stone.

    Now, let's foray straight to the Sinnoh Section, which won't be very long...Really.

    Instead of the friendship crap, Budew evolves into Roselia at Lv 15, something the original programmers should of done.

    Ya know, I was like real close into making male Combee evolve into Beedrill, but changed my mine at the last second...Think I should of went through with it. Female Combee still evolve into Vespiquen, however.

    Ya know, I wasn't really never that fund of the friendship evolve thing, so I decided to make Chingling evolve into Chimecho with a moon stone.

    Buneary evolves into Lopunny at Lv 30, so no more with the friendship crap.

    Munchlax evolves into Snorlax, once reaching the Lv 30 mark.

    Riolu evolves into Lucario on Lv 30, as well.

    So there ends my long and strenuous walkthrough of how to make your special obtain Pokemon evolve on Diamond Plus. I do hope you all enjoyed this, until next...

  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Would leveling in sunlight be considered daytime or the actual battle conditions using Sunny Day?
  3. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    This is a pretty useful "version" of the game... Thanks
  4. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    First I would like to say thanks for the feedback I received, even though it wasn't much, it's still the feeling that counts, so: Thanks.

    Now in regards to insansecrazy07 reply: First, I would like to say thanks for the feedback. Yes, when I say 'level up in sunlight' that indicates that in order to achieve evolution, the Pokemon should only be leveled up in daytime. :)

    To DragonQuester reply: I would like to say thanks to you, I glad my information was useful to you, I wasn't trying to make it to diffcult to understand. :)
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Friendship leveling, compared to level 30 is okay I guess, except if you're wanting a specific move learned at level 29 from the evolution, you won't be able to get it.

    Friendship leveling is a pain, but I like having a level 2 Togekiss, or any other pokemon extremely low level, fully evolved. hehe.
  6. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Awesome, gonna download this now.
    Love the fact that I can use stones now, instead of trading
  7. xionid

    xionid New Member

    i'm really looking forward to this~~
  8. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Ooooo, I just love the feedback, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Okay, I would like to first say; thanks for downloading my game, I really appreciate that you guys would take the time to stop, download and play my game.

    Since I've been seeing a couple downloads from Diamond Plus since uploading it on mediafire, I guess I should tell youse guys some secret, and when I say secrets I mean important battles.

    First I start with Cyrus, I'm not gonna reveal a lot, but when battling him, he'll have a Honchkrow bother time you fight him, and both times it'll be above level 40.

    However, I will tell you what Pokemon the first two gym leader have.

    Roark: Lv14 Onix, Lv14 Aron and Lv15 Cranidos (Oran berry) overall, that chump's still easy, especially if you start off with Chimchar.

    Gardenia: Lv20 Skiploom Lv22 Leafeon and Lv24 Roserade (sitrus berry) Leafeon is her hardest, trust me...that razor leaf isn't anything play with.

    Gym leaders and the Galactic commanders uses X-items (Like, X-Speed and X-Defend) in there battle to make the battle harder, well at least I hope it does.

    All gym leaders, from Maylene to Volkner, all their Pokemon holds berries. Also, all of the Elite four members, including Cynthia, Pokemon hold berries. Speaking of Volkner, he had six Pokemon and his strongest is a level 56 Electivire.

    Rival uses potions to heal his Pokemon when battling him, all his Pokemon holds berries when fighting him before entering the Pokemon league. The rival Pokemon will various, depending on what starter you choose at the beginning.

    To insanecrazy07 comment; hmm, now that I think of it, I think I left Togepi, Golbat and Chansey alone, they all still evolves by friendship...Shit, I forgot to change them.

    ...Since I see that you don't have a problem with the friendship stuff, I'm pretty sure other people don't have a problem with it either, so I won't change it.

    To xionid and timmy1991's comments; thanks for downloading, I hope you all have fun playing. Oh, could you tell me what starter did you choose?
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Speaking of your changed settings for the Gym leaders, why not have them hold competitive items like Leftovers, Life Orb, Expert Belt, Toxic Orb (if it applies, like Breloom), Choice Band/Specs/Scarf, and also have them use setup moves like Dragon Dance or Swords Dance etc.

    I'd love for the battles to be much like the competitive scene on Wi-Fi.
    I wish the AI was a little smarter like Whirlwinding you away if you use a setup move, or Stealth Rocks and shuffles your team around with Whirlwind.

    Also, can you change their EVs and IVs? I got a cheat that lets you catch trained pokemon and most of them have 0 or 3 IVs across the board with no EVs.
  10. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    hey, that's a brilliant idea, insanecrazy07...damn, makes me feel silly that I wasn't able to think of it earlier

    Yeah...I feel ya, the computer AI can be a bit...how can I say this; dumb as nails. I wish that there was a way the change the Pokemon AI value on d/p/p, ya know, like you can on hackmew's advance trainer program...

    Anyways, that hack tool you spoke of...it really sparked my interest...yeah, tell me where I can find it. Can you use it on the opposing team; by boosting your opponent's stats, it could make the opponent more difficult to takedown.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Hack tool?
    I used Pokesav to determine the IVs and EVs of the caught trained pokemon.
    I used my built in AR from my CycloDS (running the Japanese version since it has a different list of cheats, one of them being able to catch the opposing trainer's pokemon)

    What program did you use to hack Pokemon Diamond? I want to try my own version.

    Also, I remember using Trick, that allows you to switch items with your opponent. Have a Kadabra or Alakazam use Trick to give you something valuable, like a Mind Plate or something, and that is the ONLY way to get it.

    Also, have random pokemon use Thief on you causing you to lose your held item, and if it was something important, like Leftovers, you lose that forever and probably get pissed off in the process.

    For doubles, have them use a Slaking and Dusknoir and use the ability swap, or something similar to take away Slaking's stupid ability, and then have Dusknoir sacrifice himself using Explosion or that other weird move that heals or something. Have Rampardos hold a pinch speed berry and watch him go to town with 500 something attack and Mold Breaker. Do some Subpassing to piss off the player (basically just give the pokemon Substitute and Baton Pass and that's it if the AI is THAT dumb).

    That's all I can think of.
  12. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Yo, nice to see you replying again, insanecrazy07, it tells me that you care... :'( I said I wouldn't get all teary-eyed. Anyways, uhh...what's pokesav, I never heard of that before...

    Once again, all those ideas of yours are really good...in theory, but like I said before, the computer's AI might just be a little too dumb the pull those kinda advance strategies off, I mean, you would of been made their pokemon faint by then, right?

    I remember watching somebody play PBR on youtube, I remember them using a Ninjask, the Ninjask wasn't really an attacker, but more in the line of boosting its teammates stats.

    You know how fast Ninjask is right, so Ninjask would go first and would do an attack like Detect, ya know, to avoid all incoming damage.

    Anywho, after both opposing Pokemon have made their turn, Ninjask's SA kicks in, which we already know is Speed Boost.

    So, like, in the next turn, Ninjask, being how fast it is, will go first and do an attack like Sword Dance, the opponent would then counter with a Super Effective attack, like Stone Edge, or Ice Beam, whatever.

    Ordinarily, Ninjask would be knockout, seeing how its base defensive stats are, well let's just say...they suck...period.

    Alright, you'll watching as Ninjask's HP windily down, but it suddenly stops, leaving with it just a dot of energy left. I was like; 'What's up? Why the hell didn't it...'

    That when I finally figure out that Ninjask's s.o.b. of a trainer had equipped it with the Focus Sash, keeping it from going down from 1-Hit KOs.

    So, you already know, after every turn Ninjask's speed raises, due to its SA being Speed Boost. The next turn Ninjask would use Baton Pass and bring out one of its active teammate, I'm sure you're already acquainted with Baton Pass' affect. From then on out...All hell break loose. Anyways, I saw a person on Youtube do this strategy and thought it was pretty neat; the match was a clean sweep.

    I tried this strategy on Aaron; I gave him a Ninjask with Detect, Baton Pass, X-Scissor, and Sword Dance, but his AI was so dumb, he wouldn't do it, instead he would Baton Pass out before even thinking of increasing its stats. Dumbass, it pissed me off SOOOO hard!

    ...What did I use to hack Diamond Version; well, basically I used all of T-Drogh's programs, they're all really useful, if you're interested in changing the pokemon, themselves, in the game, not to mention two other's programs.

    I used his PMEDS, WPEDS, PPTEb05, and PDEDS and Swamperttool's (Another great hack programmer) PokeEdit DS, to change the pokemon types and to alter their stats, to my liken of course. And Pokespam's evolution editor to make the pokemon evolve in those new ways.

    If you're really interested in making your very own diamond hack, I recommend using these programs.

    Yeah, I know, I sorta ran off at the mouth, right then, with the long message and all.

  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Actually, I got a better bitchin' setup than that for Ninjask.
    Since Ninjask usually has high speed, it goes first anyway, so Detect isn't mandatory.

    Instead I equip Leftovers, with Substitute. I pull as many Speed Boosts as desired, sneaking in one or two Swords Dances (for when my sub isn't down) and BP to a bulky (bulky setup, NO attack EVs) physical sweeper (Rhyperior anyone?) and it's game over.

    I wish you could script the AI to do an exact setup. Turn 1 is ALWAYS Substitute no matter the circumstances, and turn 2* is Baton Pass.

    If you can't get the AI to do tricky stuff, just put 4 sweeper moves and a Choice item and call it a day. Rampardos with Choice Scarf and 4 moves. Skarmory with Leftovers is a pretty decent setup. Can't go wrong with that. Either Whirlwinding, Spiking, Roosting, or attacking.

    I'd love to see at least ONE trainer in the Rainy area use Dewgong or Manaphy's ability with the rain. :)

    When I first played Pokemon Stadium, I was confused that the gym leaders wouldn't use all of their one type that is specific to their gym. You would see Brock with a Fire type or Normal type etc.

    Since I always have a field day against the Grass gym leader, Gardenia or whatever, I'd like to see her use HP Water or a Water attack just to make things interesting. I mean, my Infernape always has Grass Knot and I tend to use Grass Knot more than any other move.

    Go to projectpokemon.org to learn all about Pokesav and what it does.

    I'd love to see an implementation of a level cap for each gym, or regulate all of them to level 50 like it does in the battle frontier. Most people win by sheer outleveling, not skill or strategy.