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Pokemon D P

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by azure_death, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. azure_death

    azure_death Active Member

    Can some one upload Pokeon diamond or pearl that modified add with mystery gift's data in cheat list?
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    you can't just pokesav it yourself?

    good luck with mystery gifts anyway.
    they're a pain in the ass.

    i like using pokesav's teleport location thing better.
  3. azure_death

    azure_death Active Member

    WHAT the F$#% is that Pokesav.
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    good luck if you're not using an M3/R4/CycloDS.

    especially if u are using a legit cart.
    you'll need an Action Replay, a basic knowledge of the .xml crap they make you do, and extensive knowledge on networking since you have to dump your save from your legit cart to your computer via the router. (18 or so steps later, couple black screens, and converting your save to 512 kb format that is compatible with pokesav)

    you are then ready to use pokesav.

    after you are done with pokesav, you will have to follow another long step process to transfer that save back to your legit cart.

    (while i just drag and drop the save from my cyclods to the desktop, and transfer it back to SD card the exact same way)