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Pokemon Colosseum On DS?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by leftis95, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. leftis95

    leftis95 Member

    Ok so I have a question.I know that the Pokemon Colosseum is for the gamecube but I was wondering if there was any possibility for a game like this on the DS.I mean 3D Pokemon on a stadium.I know that it may be too big but the Yu-Gi-Oh 2009 for ds was something like 160MB.

    So what do you think? ???
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The sheer power to run it...not gonna happen...

    If you want to make a homebrew, that'll be great-it's not about size but mearly power...

    The ds can't even emulate a n64-and the psp emlator is still being...perfected, and no way to lonk a gameboy rom to it...

    Plus-if you want nintendo to make one-forget it-the point of the stadium series is that it's for the home, with 3-D graphics-all the portable (and thus, MAIN) games are always 2-D...

    It's a marketing thing by nintendo-same like why smash brother's isn't gonna be ported to ds-they want people to flock to the system, having a portable version will divert people around...

    Noticed the fact that while portable systems, while having great games, DON'T have awsome games-marketing stratagy!

    Don't know the exact details, but that is what it is-in other words-go figure :(
  3. leftis95

    leftis95 Member

    Thank you very much mds your answer was very detailed and helpfull.If anyone knows more please tell me.
  4. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    lol well Yu Gi Oh isnt the only one... Dragon Quest IX is 256 MB and Im pretty sure Suidoken was too... But those games have pretty good 3d graphics
  5. leftis95

    leftis95 Member

    Oh nice :p.I didn't know that 'cause i don't play Dragon Quest.Thanks for the info.
  6. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    lol no problem... Most high graphic DS games take up more than 128 MB and thats pretty surprising... Well I just love Dragon Quest and I can't wait for the NA release... Maybe the NA release will be the same size?