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Pokemon Black2/White2 with R4?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by dialgarock, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. dialgarock

    dialgarock New Member

    Can I use a regular R4 (for DS and DSLite) to play B2W2? any special files to be added to work on?
  2. NemesisPrime

    NemesisPrime Member

    I don't know about regular R4 but both Black/White 2 work on R4i Gold 3DS with 1.52 Wood.
  3. GuardianFlash

    GuardianFlash Member

    I am downloading White 2 patched. Will be trying it on the R4(not R4i, gold, or wood, just regular old R4 on original DS). I'll let you know how it goes.

    Edit: Doesn't work. All I got was a white screen. Looks like I'll have to buy a newer card. Which card should I buy though? One that is reliable and future proof.
  4. darkdragon17

    darkdragon17 New Member

    there is no need to buy a newer card. i have the old r4 as well and i added woodr4 to get the rom to work.
  5. GuardianFlash

    GuardianFlash Member

    I thought Wood R4 is for Wood R4 card? I can load the Wood R4 firmware to the R4?

    Edit: Yes it works with Wood R4! Thank you brother.

    Edit 2: When I watch the intro it freezes. If I skip the intro and go to new game then it works fine.
  6. kenorulZ

    kenorulZ Member

    hmm, was using the patched rom on R4iGold 3ds from r4ids.cn and it freezes randomly,, like in wild pokemon battles..=/
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Add latest WOOD R4 v.1.53, your cart if really from R4ids.cn is supported by YWG's WOOD R4. Then you can use clean/unpatched rom to play after loading the WOOD R4.nds first before loading the game rom.
  8. kenorulZ

    kenorulZ Member

    downloaded the v1.53 from r4ids.cn .. copied the file components into my sd card, switch on my ds and selected my r4i3dgold cart, went into wood r4 screen but at the top the version still says v1.52. ._."

    then i tried to run pokemon white 2 usa again.. it freezes at name selection..
  9. dialgarock

    dialgarock New Member

    Thanks for the responses. But would R4DSi work on a DSLite? or they just named it "DSi" cuz it is updated up to the DSi system?
  10. serhat359

    serhat359 Well-Known Member

    A flashcart that works an a DSi, also works on a DS Lite. That's why DS Lite is the best, you don't have to worry about updates, choosing game on startup etc.
  11. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    What a dumb statement. The dsi hasnt gotten any updates since the 3ds was released. if you got a 3ds sucks to be you. DSI is apparently not really supported by nintendo anymore.
  12. serhat359

    serhat359 Well-Known Member

    I don't have a 3DS, I have a DS Lite. Just wanted to point out that DSi has nothing better compared to DS Lite, but is harder to crack and had update issues. I really don't understand what you say.
  13. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    Its entire hardware is an improvement to the ds lite. and not sure how you are meaning the harder to crack part.
  14. Dannymizer

    Dannymizer Well-Known Member

    Your problem may be with your sd TF card. I'm using a samsung class4 on r4ids.cn with wood 1.53 and it is working fine with the patched roms.

    What are the specs of your sd micro card? Brand, size, class

    I'm also using an ak2i with akaio1.90 without any freezing so far either. It is using a samsung class 10 16gb.

    If I was you I would backup your micro sd and then format it to erase everything, make sure you check your backup folder to see if all your stuff is saved before you do format. Then load wood 1.53 firmware and then just load black 2 or white 2. Don't load any other rom to the card just to see if it still freezes without any other rom

    Good luck
    Post Merge: [time]1350430174[/time]
    I have a few Lites, DSi's and a 3DS. Out of all of them the DSi gets the most use. I love having a Lite around in case I have family come over they can use it, and it is easier to know I can always use it if I need an update. DSi owners just need to be aware of new updates and just don't do them unless their cart has been updated and confirmed to be working with new DSi updates, that is the only downside to the DSi vs DS Lite
  15. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    The 3ds is getting all the updates. There hasnt been a dsi update since the 3ds was released like i said earlier. so im going to assume that they wont be providing any more updates for it anyway so yeah.
  16. dialgarock

    dialgarock New Member

    What if I buy R4-3DS? Does it work on the DS Lite? Or it only works on 3DS?
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Just read what the cart compatibility statement indicate. Most important is to buy a cart that still get continuous updating from either the main developer or a third party supporter.