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Pokemon Black prepatched help! (wireless and wifi not working!)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by 0wn3d4life, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. 0wn3d4life

    0wn3d4life Active Member

    Im using An acekard2i and akaio1.7. the game works 100% fine but i cant use wireless to trade with my friends. when i talk the the woman a the pokemon center and i go down the elevator to go to the wireless room the screen goes completely black :{ is there any way to fix this? btw (im using the prepatched english pokemon black rom)
    Post Merge: [time]1286283089[/time]
    someone respond plz :(
  2. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    I am pretty sure that there is setting in the Acekard that enables the wireless features. After loading the Acekard, try going through the different options and look for anything that has to do with wifi or wireless and make sure that it is enabled. Best of luck,
  3. 0wn3d4life

    0wn3d4life Active Member

    I can go on wifi and wireless fine on other games its just the english patched pokemon black :{ i see alot of people are also having problems with this someone please respond!
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I think it was yesterday or the day before, don't quite remember. Someone said its working fine as long as you don't use the IR function cause that one does not work unless you are using the original game cart. Aside from that, to fix the Union Room black screen issue. Most people turn to using Rudolph V4 patch cause Rudolph claim he had the fix for it in that patch version. I don't use those features myself cause I don't have wifi capability to link with the internet nor do I have friends to play/trade with. Sorry.....
  5. joey88

    joey88 Active Member

    I tried Rudolph's V4 patch myself, and it didn't work for me. But the funny thing is that his V2 patch works!
    V2 patch fixes all issues with the Union Room. I haven't tried Wi-Fi yet, but at least it fixes wireless.

    Click here to download Rudolph's V2 patch

    Let me know if this works for you ;)
  6. Raikoo

    Raikoo Well-Known Member

    same for me Wifi and wireless dont work i have the english patched and it says "the spikey eared pichu cant enter" even though i dont have it
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Are you trying to add spike eared pichu via wifi from another NDS console? I think why it can't enter was because you need to have 1 party slot empty. If that does not solve your problem. Use POKESAV from jsparrow instead (link to it is under my username in Totallydood's PKM B/W topic page 51), you'll need to first extract the spike-eared pichu from your HG/SS using that program so that you get a ".pkm" file and then you load the .sav from PKM B/W and add that ".pkm" into the storage box.

    I do not use WIFI since I only have 1 console and I do not have friends playing it either, so I had to use PMGE or POKESAV. Its more stable to use PMGE but you'll need to use '.pgf' files instead of '.pkm' files. Both file types are widely available in the internet.

    But I heard from another member name Kosta032, he can use the WIFI with no problem, and he's was using Official V4 from KazoWar.