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Pokemon Black and White with R4i Gold 2.0?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by dlister70, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. dlister70

    dlister70 New Member

    I have the one from www.r4ids.com and it says version 2.0 on the cartridge.

    Just got the R4i Gold 2.0 today (after a 3 week wait from Hong Kong) and I can play all my old games, but not Pokemon Black. Is anyone playing Pokemon on this card? It's on a DSi XL if that matters...

    Should I just get a different card? It was only $10, and it's not worth the several hours of frustration I've had trying every firmware I could find to get the darn thing to work. :p

    If you're playing Pokemon Black or White on this version of this card, please tell me how.. :)

    Otherwise, I'm totally down for buying another card. It looks like the Acekard 2i is a popular cheap choice.. are people playing Pokemon Black on that one?

    /yet another Pokefan...
    Post Merge: [time]1300538449[/time]
    Ok, I think I finally found a solution if anyone else has this problem..

    I downloaded the AKAIO 1.8.1 firmware, and it works on the R4i Gold 2.0 cartridge. It loaded the clean Pokemon Black rom, but when I went into a battle, the fight icon was missing so I couldn't do anything. So I got the Pokemon Black exp patched rom, and that one seems to be working. I've battled and saved, and it loaded my save file from Wood 1.25

    It does seem to load a little bit slower, but it's not bad. At least I can play on my new DSi now. :)
  2. Kabcha

    Kabcha New Member

    Can you point me to which version of Wood you loaded? Also is it the .nds file? I have the exact same setup as you, a DSxl running the r4ids.com v2.0 card with akaio 1.8.1.