I am currently looking to trade with someone who has the pokemon virus (Pokerus) on one of their pokemon willing to trade. I currently am in need of it due to competitive training and breeding. So anyone want to help me out? I am willing to trade quite big for it, legendary wise~
Just for the record: In the legit competitive world, offering legendaries is like offering chump change. It's something that everybody has. Now, if you were to offer either something with optimal or near optimal IVs (and the right nature), or something shiny, then you have something that other people want. In the competitive world, legendaries are useless unless they have beneficial IVs and Nature. Even collectors want something a little more premium than just any old legendary. It reminds me of Borderlands where you can farm all day for legendary weapons, and even though they're rare, finding a legendary or pearlescent weapon with premium parts is a whole 'nother matter. But anyway, you're better off just asking for anything with Pokerus, since it isn't anything special. I'm sure someone will just GIVE you it without asking for anything in return. For reference though, legendaries by themselves are not that valuable or hard to get. They just take a long time to get legit because it requires an entire playthrough of the game to get them. Also, for many competitive type trades, possessing an untrained pokemon is better than having it completely decked out. Why? Because the new owner can mold the untrained one to whatever role he or she wants. With one that's already set up, it's limited to just that setup and it may be less desirable than another setup. If you've already been around the block with competitive play and trading, then I've told you stuff you already know.
I know all of that, but I have encountered many noobs who have told me they have Pokerus, thus I assume that since anyone can get it, they might not be that far in said game and maybe a legendary would entice them. But I am literally willing to offer anything, I have a wide range of pokemon with a wide range of levels, I have -many- Lv1's since I am an avid breeder. But in previous cases (most notably in real life) people who have Pokerus tend not to part with it easy, I dunno why since it can be spread. But anyhoo, yeah I just thought that it would appeal to the starter players. But I guess I should have made it more clear that I willing to offer anything, including legendaries should they choose to be in need of one.
For me, the hassle is having to dust off my DS, exchange FCs, and wait for the person to be online... I can whip one up real quick, but just know, that the product I'll be sending you will be edited using Pokegen. If you can get over that, then we can trade. Just give me about 10 minutes to get everything set up.
I'm guessing by that, you mean it is in some way hacked? I'm fine so long as I get Pokerus, the method bothers me very little. My friend code is 2837-9507-0164 and I can be online anytime you are ready, I greatly appreciate this.
I seem to have a problem, the friend code: 0697-5094-1535 appears to be wrong, it won't register. Are you sure this is the correct FC?
lol its fine. Anyhoo you are registered. I'll head to the Wi-fi room, meet you there =3 Post Merge: [time]1330540958[/time] Problem has been resolved. However this thread should remain open for those who also require it, in such an event I myself could be of service also due to my obtainment of the Pokerus. A second thank you to insanecrazy07
Hey, I'm new to all of this but my Name is Andrew and my friend code for POKEMON BLACK IS: 442770995253