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Pokemon B/w Translating.

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by tfuha, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. tfuha

    tfuha Member

    Well, people need it translated. I wont be making a translation patch. But ill make a translated text file. From the beginning all the way to the end. If i miss some parts you guys may post a screen shot. And dont worry ill do this quick as i can. And in order. People are saying, "you wont be able to finish" And stuff. But ill try. Just for the Pokemon fans. or you can do it from your computer, you just need a japeness typing software and go translate the text from google translate or bable fish. lol i wont be making a lets play. I wanna help the community. I failed at helping people individually. Ill try help everyone out here again. See ya hope this helped ill be postin the text file later on :)
    Post Merge: [time]1284863554[/time]
    Oh also i forgot one thing.. You may help me also. :) So we can get this done faster. For v1 Ill try to get it with most off the moves and until the 1st gym. I just need the correct font.
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    By the time you finish wont the english game be out?
  3. tfuha

    tfuha Member

    Uh lol mabey near that or ill do it faster
  4. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    just do the battle systems and the bag, dont worry about the story because we can see that when the english is out and i would really like to help but have no idea what to do >_<
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    this is going to fail hard. Google translate is not up to this.
  6. tfuha

    tfuha Member

    Lol, Im not just gonna use google translator. Idk why are you guys just say this is gonna fail.. At least im going to try.. And everyone has a diffrent atitude.
  7. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    you know what just stop ... hammertime no seriously when your done the us version will be out
  8. lolipop92

    lolipop92 New Member

    Just translate the Menu, Bag, items (except for the Key- and New items) and Battle system, forget about the Pokemons name except for the old ones, since we don't have an english name for the new yet.
    It worked with Heart Gold/ Soul Silver (J)
  9. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    put the new pokemon names as c...sucker
  10. tfuha

    tfuha Member

    Some of you guys here, dont like trying or helping. Just texting, playing games, or doing other non productive/helpful stuff. And since everyone wants me to just translate the menu and items, i will do that instead then.
  11. geneericdrug

    geneericdrug Well-Known Member


    I think a better suggestion would have been "Start with the menus and such, then move onto plot in order." I'd also recommend, if nothing else, you do a dialouge translation but post it somewhere. Because individuals may get ahead of you, but they may like to look back and see what that other conversation was about, i.e. I really wanna know what that speech near the beginning was about @_@..

    But yea, if you want to go for translating the whole game, then fine by me I will support you. And lets be fair, because of how games get translated *sometimes* lose things that gamefreak/translating company may leave out for "localization" reasons. And if you try hard enough even if your patch comes out after you could work to make it better the the (U) release? :3333
  12. tfuha

    tfuha Member

    Lol bump..
  13. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    well, i don't know a lick of japanese but i know most of the moves from my japanese games of platinum & HG & SS, so i might be able to help with some of it, if you need the help that is ^__^
  14. tfuha

    tfuha Member

    Lol.. Guys you guys were right. Im to lazy to translate. Actually idk how to type in japanese to translate it. Guys i dont think i wont be making a patch. Lol dont say 'I told you, I told you". I Wanted to help but idk how to type in jap and stuff. Sorry everyone. But im thinking if i should or not..
  15. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    If you can't understand japanese, then you probably shouldn't be translating anything.
  16. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    i can translate but i cant write it since i never had a proper program to use on the pc
  17. tfuha

    tfuha Member

    Lol.. You guys are always negative. Since Black and white dont use anscii, i bet no ones gonna make a translation patch. Guys just wait till the us versoin comes out..
  18. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    well, there is programs to pull the rom apart isn't there?
  19. tfuha

    tfuha Member

    I dont think soo.. Yet im gonna still try it out.
    Post Merge: [time]1285039245[/time]
    Guys i have just found out. .There already on a patch. Even though they are.. I dont want the whole story to be spolied in the english.. So ill wait till english version comes out.
  20. lcleong

    lcleong Well-Known Member

    oh fucking god sake! just let him do watever he want! why does everyone like to spoilt it this gonna come out soon? how fucking soon is it? 6-7months? are fucking stupid slow nintendo?!!! and why it's must take 6-7months to wait it fully localized in english?
    and why golden sun dark dawn only take fucking 1 month to get to US version?!!!