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Pokeman Gen 5 Speculations

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by asdzxc123789, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Gah...Just to clear I stopped playing Pokeman after the second genbut there seems to be lots of hype for this game so I thought it would be best if I shared you these:
    * Only one "evil team", Team Rocket, with Silver's son (Giovanni's grandson) as it's leader.

    * Early in the storyline you have a chance to join Team Rocket. The story and events following are dramatically different based on your choice. Some "semi-legendary" pokemon will be obtainable only on one story branch or the other. The basic plot driver of "collect 8 badges, defeat the elite 4" remains either way.

    * No more HMs. Instead, key items are acquired which do these jobs for you. Cut is replaced with a machete, rock climb with a climber's backpack, etc. The HM moves do still exist, and can still acquire HM items which act like TMs for them without being used up. HM moves can now be forgotten. HM moves have been rebalanced to be useful in battle. Fly's functionality is still exclusive to the HM.

    * Postgame content includes a battle frontier, simmilar to what is found in Platinum as well as the option to battle gym leaders a second time, with scaled pokemon levels and altered teams, for ex-badges. Collecting all 8 ex-badges opens a rematch with all-lvl100 elite four.

    * Character customization. You can buy clothes at various cities and dress your trainer up as you like. Over the course of gameplay you will be able to unlock various titles as well (ex Fisherman Ash, Rocket Grunt Ash, Pokemaniac Ash).

    * 100 new Pokemon. None are legendaries. Legendaries from previous generations are mentioned, and in some cases encountered and fought, but can not be obtained through any means (to include hacking, as their data will not exist). This excludes "semi-legendary" pokemon, which is defined as any pokemon previously considered legendary but of which more than one canononically exists.

    * Aside from legendaries, all previously existing pokemon can be obtained in the wild. Many older pokemon are much rarer or only appear under certain conditions.

    * Pokemon can now inherit physical traits from parents of another species. These physical traits may also have effects on the pokemon's stats or movesets. A normally herbivous pokemon that inherits large fangs from one of its parents will learn biting moves, for example, or a pokemon with claws which normally doesn't have them will be able to learn slash and cut. These features do not alter a pokemon's name or type. A pokemon's inherited traits will always match the evolutionary equivelant of the pokemon it was bred from. For example, if a pokemon inherits a pikachu's ears and has three evolutionary stages, it will hatch with pichu ears, but when it evolves it will have pikachu and then raichu ears. Breeding with a ditto, or while holding an everstone, prevents inheritence.

    * A new item, whose name I do not know, can be held to promote inheritance. Holding the item will also give a chance of early evolution, with a slight chance of evolving for each level gained within 5 levels of it's usual evolution. Only works, of course, on pokemon who evolve through levelling up.

    * You can buy a home in any town and decorated it with furniture.

    * Postgame, you can construct an HQ along any route and fill it with trainers equipped with pokemon you raised, traps, etc. Your friends can visit your HQ and it will act like any other in-game dungeon. When setting up your HQ you must place six item balls, and prove you can reach them by acquiring them all before you may save your design. When a friend picks one of these up a random item from your PC is selected and given to them. If there are no items in your PC they will recieve something from your inventory.

    Okay. This time.
    Seems just right.
    Just...please pokehmans be cute or be creepy..

    Comments, especially joining to Team Rocket.


    EDIT: These are not real, I couldn find any source.
  2. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    Aren't these all fan made ideas?

    And if not I'd like to see an Official source.
  3. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    Very interesting details
    The source?
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    Nice troll. You almost had me for a second.
  5. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    It was obvious it was fake the very first sentence, "you can join team rocket"
  6. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    Isn't Silver a teenager? How can he have a son?

  7. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    It was obvious when I noticed who posted it.
  8. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    So..... ASD is a liar???
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    More like an attempted anti-Nintendo troll who considers himself to be clever because he visited /b/ a couple times in the last year. Probably owns both a 360 and a PS3, might have had a GBC but wasn't allowed to have a GBA or DS (or any form of Nintendo console, actually). This will have flourished into a deep-seated resentment of Nintendo. He considers himself a hardcore gamer because he plays games that have near-gratuitous amounts of violence (like God of War), shuns Nintendo as a "kiddy" brand and his few friends outside of the internet find his self-perceived "superiority" at shooters like Halo amusing.
  10. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    I see....
  11. JohnnieBob

    JohnnieBob Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    Very well troll, I'll play along...
    "Gosh I CAN'T F'ING WAIT FOR THIS!!!!!!!"

    No, Give me a source.
  12. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokeman Gen 5 Info

    Goddamit no one is anti-nintendo.
    I saw this on 4chan /v/.
    Tohught this might be real.
    Thats it, then.
    and you fucking fail. I have or had all nintendo consoles but that Wii, from SNES to DS. Nintendo turned to "kiddy" with Wii and I will support this idea of mine whatever happens. You think you are soo clever arent you?
    Post Merge: [time]1266104523[/time]
    and the almighty smart ass please explain to me how posting these can be an anti-nintendo troll? I thought they were real and oh wow, they are actually waesome features..if they have existed. So if there was one thing Im doing, it wasnt trolling, it was advertising.

    I can play any fucking game I want, including Imagine: Teachers and/or God of War. You have no fucking rights to judge me from what I play.

    "few friends"? Ahaha you are veery funny Mr. I am not fucking you, please keep that in mind.

    I know what might happen to my RomU Account after saying this but I am taking the risks, as you can see:
    You are the most stupid and ignorant person I've seen on this board. Attacking to me wont win you anything but your much needed self respect, loser. You might have just said "Wait, these sound lik BS. Give me a source"
  13. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, oh god /v/ is full of morons who wave their genitals around at the mention of pixel shaders.

    Yes. Yes I do.

    Considering the bashing you've done of the Wii, I'd be highly suspicious of spurious information coming from you. Hence the aggressive response. You want to be taken seriously, act seriously - this whole debacle could have been avoided if you'd posted a source.

    Watch me.


    First of all, your account is fine unless I decide to start flaming, then the mods will nuke the thread and probably us. Calm down a second and read some of the posts in the Help sections. Seriously, I'd be surprised if they can even tie their own shoelaces (which, for the record, I finally mastered yesterday, go me! :D).
  14. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    None of it sounds even remotely possible, most points are just ridiculous.

    you believed this...
  15. MangaRx

    MangaRx Well-Known Member

    Jesus, fcking troll, all I want to do is customize my character! Why cant Nintendo allow this!
  16. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member


    THAT is impossible.
  17. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    How about a war between 2 regions. Using pokemon as pawns/armies and let the 8 gyms a sidequest. The final bosses would be the 4 generals of the opposing region and after you are done with them, pokemon league would be next similar to battle frontier access. Sounds good, huh? :)

    So give this a thumbs up, yes?

    P.S. Pokemon shouldn't be pitied. Trainers uses pokemon to pit at each other. Glad they just faint from being hit by flamthrower, bulbasaur.
  18. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    We should just get past the whole fake shit and post rumors about the game, hence the name of the thread "Pokeman Gen 5 Speculations" instead of complaining post other info dont be a bitch
  19. blaza89

    blaza89 Well-Known Member

    could be fake but it would be funny if silver(who is about what 11years old) son was the leader imaging a baby being the leader of team rocket.