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Pokémon Black & White AR Cheat Codes - M3 DS Real (Possible Fix)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Giga, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. Giga

    Giga New Member

    Noticed a lot of people with the same problem, and no solution.

    When I put cheats on my M3 DS Real and start the game (Black or White) both screens just go black and freeze. Many people are having this problem and it's nothing to do with the codes as other games work fine and the codes work fine on other carts so what's the problem?

    Is there a fix?


  2. mrpants

    mrpants New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White AR Cheat Codes - M3 DS Real

    I have the same problem using M3 DS Real. Patched rom works fine with no cheats activated. But, with any cheats activated = black screen. I have tried with both clean and patched roms, same results. Anyone know of a solution?
  3. Setol

    Setol Well-Known Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White AR Cheat Codes - M3 DS Real

    yup guys same for now i know that this problem is also on others flash cards :(
    1. Use poke sav <- i dont like this thing
    2. Copy sav and use cheat on emulator then copy save back to flash card
  4. 013456

    013456 Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White AR Cheat Codes - M3 DS Real

    How do you activate for pokemon white the action replay any pokemon can learn any tm/hm.
    I input code but nothing....
  5. Giga

    Giga New Member

    Re: Pokémon Black & White AR Cheat Codes - M3 DS Real

    I have a fix. Find the YSM3 for M3DS Real (Sorry can't find where I found it, try Google) and use that firmware on your M3DS Real, cheats should work fine the only difference will be the interface from what I've seen.

    Worked for me, let me know if it helps! :)
  6. Thomasmont

    Thomasmont Member

    Does anyone know if the latest pokesav (I'm referring to PBWCPM) works on the US version, because all of the 5th generation pokemon are in their Japanese names in the program (and I'm afraid that might crash my game). If not, then is their another Pokesav program available? Or shall I wait until the original programmer translates the names to English.
  7. Fuddlebob

    Fuddlebob New Member

    Hi, I'm using an M3i Zero card, and I'm getting exactly the same problem. The ROM works without cheats, but the moment you put them on, the game freezes.
    I tried using YSM3, but it gets most of the way through loading the game before saying "disk errcode =-82". Anybody help???

    Also, i should point out that I did manage to get ROM to work with cheats selected by putting download play mode on, but the cheats don't work then anyway......
    Also, by putting the cheats mode on on/off and then spamming select + right from the moment I pressed play, I was able to get it running, ONCE, except putting the cheats back on just causes it to freeze. Not sure if that's helpful at all, but I'm just putting that out there.

    Anyway, thanks in advance for any help anybody can give me!


    OK, I think I got it working, after downloading the latest YSMenu, deleting a few files, deleting my .sav file AND formatting my disk.
    But yeah, It's working now. Thanks for everything anyways.