Hi, I posted earlier for help re Crash Tag team racing - the game froze during download so I tried again(froze again), and then someone pointed out that as it is gamecube it wouldn't work on NDS anyway (thanks). Because the game was relisted in nintendo I hadn't realised I coudn't use it so have now lost all the points I had been saving up. Can the points be 'reimbursed' at all? Thanks v much.
You probably won't be able to get the points back. (Unless Seph is feeling generous after his vacation). The game is listed under Gamecube though, not NDS.
We do not reimburse points because a wrong game was downloaded. Points signify bandwidth, the bandwidth is used whether or not you download the right game. We allow users to redownload games for 24 hours in case the download was corrupted, we also allow resuming at no cost. But if we allowed people to get points back because they downloaded the wrong game then the far majority of people would be doing that all the time and thus making the point system entirely useless.
Err, I was away for 9 days snowboarding in the Italian Alps, I can't really take more than that amount of days snowboarding during the day and having fun during the night.
Thx anyway, a hard lesson learnt I guess. It is listed under NDS though, and we didn't know that when it has gamecube in the title it is not downloadable on NDS as we are just new to this. Plus it did freeze twice, the second time on the 2nd download we tried before realising gamecube games not ok for NDS. Live and learn
It's not listed under NDS. It's listed under Gamecube. NDS Game Listing, Alphabetically, around "Crash" Gamecube Game Listing, Alphabetically, around "Crash" Crash Tag Team racing is not listed in the NDS downloads, and is listed in the Gamecube downloads. Freezing downloads are caused by a lost connection, and you should use Download managers like FlashGet www.flashget.com so you can resume frozen downloads and avoid corrupted files.
Thank you - I get it now We were going to 'downloads' then 'NDS' and typing in the name of the game, but under the general search option - that then brought up the Crash tag team racing game - it had gamecube next to it but we thought because we had started off in the NDS part that it meant it was still in that section, so also compatible with NDS. Thought I was losing my marbles, but know now where I went wrong after duplicating where you went with your copies above. Def a lesson learnt, we now know how to search properly as well :-\
I see. We'll see if Seph could adjust the search to auto filter by default based on what download page you are currently viewing.
That would be great - I don't think we'll make the same mistake when searching again but I guess other newbies like us could do the same thing we did. Thx for the info/help, all good