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Poetry/Song Writing

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Natewlie, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Anyone else do this? As a musician I like writing songs, they're essentially poems too, so I included it with the title. If anyone shares the same hobby as me, feel free to put up some of your writings and feel free to give some constructive feedback. I really have no where else to put up my songs so I might as well. Newest full song, the top is the newest song.

  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I liked this one, finnally a topic from a respected member to where I could post some of my random thoughts...

    Mind if I post one as an example?

    My mind is out of wack
    People tell me I need to see a quack
    All I hear is a THWACK!
    All the pain is in my back
    They told me I was crazy and insane
    They say I'm not to blame
    But all the shame
    Has kinda put me to fame
    From chainsaws to blenders
    To jokes and mind benders
    I help those in need
    And hurt those who bleed
    My thoughts can be random
    And no one belives in phatoms
    But I know one day
    What just may

    Be my day...

    Ever since I saw some random poertry I've managed to put my utterly random thoughts into these-this is from the top of my head and is 88% accurate of my life oddly enough.

    Any good or can ya tell I made it on the spot ???
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It could use some ambiguity. I don't think poetry does well with something incredibly specific. It just needs a general theme and the reader makes up what it's about.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm...prehaps I should stop basing them off this...

    [me=mds64]throws kids nursery ryme book away[/me]

    My life is random
    I don't like fandom
    Co-workers want me to drink
    So they think they could link
    I'm so cheap
    I kept things from the heap
    Prehaps I should stop to think
    Before I take that leap
    I love my lancer
    It's also called a prancer
    But it ain't no dancer
    Prehaps closer to cancer?


    That was another-I tried my best...but I have a feeling that I hit a block...

    prehaps I should post some of my old attempts at song writing-sure it's closer to heavy metal and the songs lost all meaning (when your in love..) but still-I spent days on those...
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Getting there, try using less, they and I. You probably want other people to personalize the poem, they want the work to relate to them, using they and I a lot and specific situations and stuff like that makes it difficult for it to relate to the reader. You know where I'm getting at?

    I'm working at a new song, forgive the format.

    It's not done yet but if anyone has a silly question or a remark, say it, I might add it. This song is only questions, it won't be finished until I get bored of it.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm... more less they's and I's...

    I'll keep those in mind.

    As for your song...its not catchy yet...but prehaps more silly remarks could help...

    "Why must my asian hair be black?"

    "Why do big brothers seem bigger than little brothers"?

    "Must school go on forever?"

    "What does petrol smel like"?

    "When will I be as tall as you"?

    "Why must I ask so many questions"?

    These are (for refferance) questions me and my brother have asked at many different ages...

    Aren't we fun questioning our lives?
    Sometimes it's annoying
    Don't ya just want to go "spoing"!
    When was life fun
    when was it done?
    All this monday to sunday
    Became bum day to Satday?
    Don';t we just want a fun day
    intead we just got an say, ok?

    ...I felt that didn't work for me...i had to restrict myself.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I'm not trying to make it really catchy or anything, it's basically an improvised song, I have no clue what I'm going to do on guitar for it. I'm probably going to only use acoustic for it though. I'll get my sister's boyfriend to sing it too, he has a nice voice.

    I'm working on a couple things at once, like an instrumental song, that's my first priority, I need to get my sister's boyfriend to help me work on it along with my sister and my hubby. I'll probably do that before continuing Questions.

    I think it worked, I find it entertaining for me to read and the last part is neat, metinks.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm..I hope it works out, let me know if there is a finished version :)

    And did you mean my last attempt worked ???

  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I'll probably put up the instrumental up sometime this weekend, depending if our recording equipment isn't being gay like it has been before. We also might record the first song I put up, I have the guitar parts worked out on it.

    Yes, the last four lines worked well and were entertaining to read.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I just re-read those last 4 lines....

    It was random and not joined in anyway...so that is how poetry works...

    I might book mark this and work on my material :)

    And prehaps I should post my old song ideas when I get the time...

    And if your equipment goes spaz-give it a kick from me-devices fear me :p
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Modern World (Wolf Parade Cover)
    Cale H. - Vocals, drums, keys
    Stephanie D. - Bass, concept
    Me - Guitar, harmonies (I appear around 1:07 and around 1:26, Yay me!), mixing

    The Moon, My Master
    Cale H. - Keys, drums
    Stephanie D. - Bass, drums
    Me - Guitar, Xylophone

    This Elevator Goes To The Eighth Floor
    Cale H. - Keys, mixing, flute thing, concept
    Stephanie D. - Bass
    Me - Guitar, Xylophone, Harmonica

    By the way, Cale is my sister's boyfriend, and Stephanie is my sister. I'm obviously me.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  13. c_j_curtis

    c_j_curtis New Member

    Well, I must say this song was very well thought out and well worded. It was down to earth and to the point about man kind and how we act and quite true. Good luck with the finished song I'd love to hear it when it is ready!
  14. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    ive been working on this song for a couple of hours,its not ready but i think its cool already
    lol tell me guys what u think about it!!!
    the song is called SERENETY PRAYER

    waking up in the dawn
    with tears streaming down my face
    voices calling for me
    cause in this world i have no place

    God give me what i need
    Give me justice and forgive
    Save me from this life
    Give me youre hand my friend

    Ohh give what i want
    I just want to be free
    wake me up from this hell
    or give me eternal sleep
  15. triforce93

    triforce93 Member

    Wow. Poems you guys made are so good!
    It's emotional and epic :)
    Hope I can make a poem by myself :)
  16. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Poetry isn't well with specifics. Songs though are definitely a different thing all together. Songs that are very specific with places, times and events happen to be more heartfelt. A poetic song ends up sounding like an anthem. Poems are worlds apart when you come to think of it.

    That's a lesson I learned the hard way.
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Something from when I was still suicidal back in high school:

    Sunken Garden

    Sifting through the distant memory
    I yearn for your one last smile.
    I seek for you but never do I find
    Meaning fades as I cling to something I can not hold

    I struggle, being ambiguous of the truth
    a mask veils that which I show outside.
    Never hinting signs, or sigils
    I lie as to how am I

    I weep, yet I laugh
    Only shedding tears when darkness & I
    Hidden behind wandering eyes
    yearning for you to comply.

    Sadly, you won't....

    And me, I bid adieu.
  18. graveboy

    graveboy Member

    I'm really against the whole the emotional songs. it makes people feel sentimental towards them. CREEEEEPY. I used to make poems about life, death and...ugh...*love*. used to save it on my comp but it crashed a few years ago so I gave up! =]

    My first sonnet of my very first was consistant with "ate"

    At a push of a button, all will detonate
    look what you've acquired! the power to annihilate
    devastate the population....