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please help!

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by sweetlifewithme, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. I have a nintendo ds xl, and a card by the name R4i3d so I formated the sd card and wanted to download the upgrade, I went to the age and downloaded the one ment to be for the "new" ones and keep in mind I have "2012" so I downloaded the upgrade and I run it, upgraded it and now the icon of spongebob that usually pops won't show!! HELP!! is there a patch I can use to make it reapear or some way?!!
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Well, why did you patch your card with a patch meant for another card?

    There's a way to repatch it, except you'll need a DS (not a DSi or 3DS) and another flashcard.
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Not sure why you'd picked me via PM. I don't have an R4i 3DS. However to answer your question;
    I believe what you had did causes the R4i cart bricked-blocked. You're not suppose to use a kernel/firmware that's not meant for your R4i even though it may come from the same official site. A cart maker might release more than 1 type/version of cart, be sure to use upgrades indicated for your cart as directed by the maker. I have to also assume that your DSi XL is running the latest firmware v.1.45? Well, it seems to me aside from possibly bricking your cart, you'd also caused it blocked.

    You could try solving the issue by borrowing other's console that can run your cart just fine, or if you have an NDS/NDSL, then use it. You'd need to also format your SD Micro card, download the proper kernel/firmware indicated for your R4i from the official site that's for v.1.45 firmware. Then, you insert the extracted kernel folder into the SD Micro, use the console borrowed/older console (firmware that's below v.1.43 if it's a DSi console you're using), run the .NDS program on the console to re-install the R4i's main kernel/firmware. Note that if your console DSi is already v.1.45, but your R4i doesn't have upgrade for v.1.45, means you'd better buy new cart that does.
  4. Yes!! My sister has the same ds xl like me so you're saying I should insert my r4 there and then insert it back to mine?
    Post Merge: [time]1372598379[/time]
    Yeah, I know that was my first time! and the website didn't clear it up as much so when I knew about it I freaked out!! as I said my sister has a nintendo ds xl and another type of r4 should that work?
    Post Merge: [time]1372599671[/time]
    Well, in my sister's ds it didn't work! so that means either I have to buy a new one or find another ds? what kind of ds should run this?
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Do you know what your DSi firmware version? Is it v.1.4.5 or below it?
    How about your sisters console firmware? If her console's firmware is v.1.4.5 (which yours might also be), then yes for sure your messed up cart can't run on it either.

    If only you'd backed up your SD Micro content prior to doing that 'experiment', you could have been able to revert it easily.
    But the damage been done, so what you need to do now is basically locate someone with an NDSL or a DSi that's running a firmware below v.1.4.3. Would be good if you had one yourself, saves you the trouble of borrowing one.

    Make sure that console is fully charged to prevent power down while you restore your cart on it. Then you format your SD Micro card, insert the correct latest R4's kernel meant for your cart, do the re-installation on that console. Hopefully it'll fix your issue. Be sure to be careful with every steps you take.
  6. Ok, thank you, by the way is the problem in the sd card or the flashcard? because if it's the sd card then I can replace it easily, but I need to buy a flashcard and that is not available where I live, I'll check some of my friends with firmwware below v.1.4.3.

    Thank you so much and I'm really sorry for bothering you on PM yesterday!
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    To determine which one causes the issue, you need to try using a secondary/alternative SD Micro, install it with the files needed, and see if it run or not. Also do try on your friend's NDSL if possible, since an NDSL doesn't have any file update that blocks flash carts, a DSi does get updates which NDSL don't. From there you can then determine what's wrong. I don't feel bothered by your PM, just curious as to why you choose me.
  8. Allright I'll try different sd cards, if it doesn't work it's either targetting someone with a ndsl or just buying a new flashcard online... Well, when I first came to romulation I noticed that in different topics you are the one who gave the best answers, so yeah!
    Anyways, thank you for your precious help. I really appreciate it.