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Please Help.

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by WikidJack, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. WikidJack

    WikidJack New Member

    My wife just bought the new R4i-SDHC. Now the problem is the fact that when she tries to play it on her DSi, it actually does something to her battery and turns the whole system off after about 3-5 minutes. I have tried reformatting the SD, I have tried redownloading the kernel. I have tried just about anything I can think of. I know the problem is not her DS because she can play my R4i Gold on it no problem. She play regular DS games no problem. But this R4i-SDHC continues to time and time again shut down her whole system. Please help. It seems like we might have been ripped off and I really don't know what else to do.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Can you start games at all from the flashcart?

    And have you tried different versions of the firmware?
  3. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    Just pay for a new better flashcart with no hesitation.
  4. WikidJack

    WikidJack New Member

    Tried different versions of firmware and different SD cards.....We can start up the games normally, but after about 5 minutes the whole system just dies.

    And Alukado...If buying a new one was an option, we would. But its not in our budget to go flinging money around. We paid good money for this one...
  5. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Faulty cart shorting out the battery it sounds like to me, shutting off the DS to protect itself.

    Even if that's not the case, there is obviously something wrong with the R4. Unfortunately the only options are to return for a replacement, or return for a refund and get an acekard2i. They're pretty cheap in price with a lot of functionality from akAIO.


    for cheapest, but it takes awhile to arrive sometimes (Not always, some reports of 1-2 weeks with free shipping minimum, as they're in China). Also make sure to choose no MSD card (as you have one) and to choose the premium flashing service, as this will enable it for use on a DSi with 1.4 firmware.

    OR where I get all my cards


    USA based, 3 days free shipping across the country. However if you are not in the US they charge a lot for shipping, so if that is the case, go for shoptemp.