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Please HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by subzero90, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. subzero90

    subzero90 Member

    Hi everyone, I recently placed an order for an R4 card, thinking all flashcarts were the same.

    Here is the card I ordered:

    However, soon after I learnt of this site and done some extensive research and found out that not all cards are the same and some work better than others and have a higher compatibility rate not to mention that I probably ordered an R4 clone sine the Original R4's aren't in p[roduction anymore [How the site says 'Original R4's only' I dont know]. [I heard AceKarts have no problems with Anti Piracy games etc]

    So yesterday I cancelled my order and now I know about M3 cards, AceKarts etc.

    Now I need YOUR help!

    I have a DSLite and I am only intrested in playing DS games, and I would prefer if someone could find a card from this site as I live in the UK and they deliver asap!


    I am still a n00b to carts compared to you all so I would like to ask the experts for their help,

    I am looking for a card which:

    - Has the MOST compatibility with the latest games [even the ones with Anti Piracy], as well as old games
    - Has the best and easiest to use firmware
    - Is compatible with cheat codes
    - Is updated every so often
    - Is very stable

    So I humbly ask you to go to the site I linked above [http://www.r4i.co.uk/] and please show me the card(s) that fit those requirements + any requirements you think I may have left out.

    The best replies I get will make my mind up and I will buy that card.

    Thank you all in advance and I hope I get replies since I want to order before the day ends!

  2. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member


    I would recommend the m3DS real over the ak2i as of right now, due to the akAIO update slump we seem to be in.

    M3's sakura is based off of moonshell, so it looks nice, as well as having support for RTS and cheats.
    If a new game has AP, of course it'll need to have updated firmware, and M3/G6/R4iRTS team usually update 1-2 times a month.
  3. captain james

    captain james Well-Known Member

  4. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

  5. subzero90

    subzero90 Member

    Thank for the Info guys, I am currently torn between M3 and Acekart2i.

    Any Pros'/Cons between the 2??
  6. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    If you have to choose between those, choos AK2i, but is you have to choose between Acekard2i and SuperCard DSTWO, choose DSTWO, Acekard isn't updated anymore and has Anti piracy problems, which the DSTWO has not.
  7. subzero90

    subzero90 Member

    Ahh the Supercard is $40, which is £27 and i dont have that much money to spare at the moment :(

    I guess Acekart it is, but now i know that it doesnt get updated anymore....it makes me worried to buy it!
  8. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Download No$gba 2.6a and play NDS ROMs with that untill you have enough for the DSTWO.
  9. subzero90

    subzero90 Member

    Sorry guys this is the last question Ill ask:

    I have decided on the AceKard 2i and I am going to get it from http://www.r4i.co.uk/shop/ak2i/acekard-2i-card-for-dsids-plus-2gb-micro-sd-memory-ak2iplus2gb/12951, do you guys know this site for being legit? I mean I know i was recoomended another site but they dont include a SDcard and this site adds an SD card for an extra £1 lol, So just to confirm does this site seem legit?
    Post Merge: [time]1275399635[/time]

    XD Im not a huge gamer but I understand you just want me to get the best thing available, but Im a student and out fo a job for the summer so I dont think my conscience would let me spend £27 on myself but thank you for your suggestion, I understands you only want whats best for me but right now the AceKard seems like the best idea unless im wrong, as I just want to play a few games and generally not be too bored this summer :)
  10. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    You're in the UK right? Maybe you can order one from the Netherlands (Where I live), the site is called 'Sidder.nl' but it's Dutch, whichi you can translate with Google Translate or something, I ordered everything I have on DS Cards and it's great quality, they're really fast: in Holland you get it in a day, I think UK: maybe a weer or something. Here is the link: