Have read through the many posts on the age old question of which flash card but am still looking for some "tailored" advice.......... I love my cyclods but have upgraded to a dsi and have a m3izero which is o.k. I now need another dsicard for my 8 year old son for Christmas. I am looking for a card with a simple easy to use menu and that has good compatibility through regular updates (i also need a card that is easy to update as I am not so bright with that! ie: just update the sd card not have to use another ds or whatever) Not really looking for any extra features - just want to play nds roms. Is the m3izero considered to have good game compatibility and regular updates? Supercard 2 looks like more than i need but is supercard one still well supported re game compatibility and updates? Any other suggestions of cards? Thanks from a very confused Santa (thats why I'm shopping early!)
Help santa Acekard2i from shoptemp with premium flashing/firmware service. Does what you want- works well, cost effective, frequent updates, easy to use. Premium service so it will work right away with your dsi- dont update your dsi before checking online to see if it will block your card! Always update your card first!
SuperCard DSTWO. It does GBA, SNES, movies, NDS (99.9% compatibility, it is REALLY rare to find a game not working) and eBook. You barely need to update it.
awesome! santa has a NDS and needs a flashcard! ON TOPIC: get either an acekard 2i or supercard dstwo, shoptemp is a reliable site to get them, here are the links for both cards: Acekard 2i - Shoptemp Supercard DSTwo - Shoptemp
Santa says "ho ho ho thank you for your help. I'll put an acecard2i in the sack and keep the kiddie happy. Merry Christmas!"
Acekard 2i is a good choice if you want a good card for nds games. All games work on it using the Akaio firmware. Only thing Supercard has better is the SNES emulator.
wrongo 2. SnemulDS is old and a pain in the ass. No more texture level experimenting now with DSTWO! But for this guy, Ak2i IS the better choice. He doesn't need EVERYTHING, as he said, just NDS.
Nope, DSTWO SNES Emu is better if you look at some details. Super Mario Kart: SNEmulDS = Error, DSTWO = OK. Super Mario RPG: SNEmulDS = Error, DSTWO = OK. Post Merge: [time]1290109336[/time] And it has GBA emu and it has movie player and it has...
Thanks guys - its an interesting debate and I'm sure it depends on your needs. My 8 year old son has no idea that snes or gba games even exist and there are so many nds games out there I don't think he will even need to dapple in homebrew etc. When he is older if he is interested he can buy his own dstwo (or maybe dsfive or something by then) and work out how to use all the features himself! Thanks so much everyone for your comments and help