I know some of you people will judge me, but who cares. Im starting a petition that will hopefully make ds games multi6 (supporting multiple languages) like yugioh 2010 is! What are your thoughts? If you could show your support on the petition, it would be great! http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/multi6
This Although i would love for tales ds games to be in multi-languages **** you bamco then i wouldn't have to wait for people to translate them
Uh... Nintendo aren't the right people. I soured on online petitions when Fox didn't bring back Firefly some years back.
A few problems: 1. Translating every game into several different languages is an incredible hassle. A game's initial release would have to be pushed back so far that it would defeat the entire purpose. When you consider the sales that would be lost in the span of time in which the game could be on shelves in its country of origin, the idea becomes completely illogical. 2. Translation costs money. Developers won't want to waste that money on making a game available for countries where the game wouldn't be popular in the first place. 3. There are many, many development houses. It's extraordinarily unlikely that one of them, much less all of them, would find and agree with your petition. 4. ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER You're a Kiwi. This means that: 1. You're not Fox's concern 2. Your opinion is worthless